
Is some sort of stress causing..

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me to be so easily annoyed lately?

Everything keeps getting on my nerves.

My friend was being a pr*ck earlier, I just got so close to punching him in the face I had to walk off and lock myself in the toilet for about 10 minutes to cool off and avoid me breaking him and/or something.

I've noticed it becoming easier and easier to want to hurt someone when they annoy me lately, it's hard to control.

What should I do?




  1. you need to learn how to let your mind escape a situation that gets you angry or annoyed. I suffer from the same thing at times. you do the right thing though, removing yourself from the situation. you just need to figure out what to do when you are away from it. try humming your favorite song or put your mind where you want to be, not where it is now. or alternatively, really think about the situation and come to realize that there is no need to get so angry. look at it from a different perspective. try and think positive. good luck, and try not to hurt anyone x x

  2. As you're not generally like this, its obviously stress causing it    Do you have money worries? girlfriend problems? try to get to the root of the stress then the anxiety will soon disappear.

    Be careful you don't cause yourself to have a CVA (stroke) it can happen event to babies, sort it before it  gets worst - the GP is best start.

  3. It could be a hormonal imbalance. Go see your doctor and explain your symptoms, he/she may be able to help :) .

    Until then try different kinds of stress relieve method such as squeezing a 'stress-ball'. This will release your anger onto the object instead of releasing it in more dangerous ways.

    Good luck.


  4. do you have something on your mind ..some kind of problem...maybe you need a change or holiday..worry and frustration lead to impatience..and this awful summer weather(here anyway raining all the time...

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