
Is someone due to get the boot tomorrow after the live task ?

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I've not heard much about how many will make the final week !!




  1. As I understand it they have to gamble tomorrow. The winner will get  50k there and hen and the person who loses the most on the fruit machines will be evicted at midnight (but I have been partaking of the pink nectar , so I could have got it wrong !)

  2. i watched bblb and george was saying  something  about someone  winning  50k  2morr,  i  dion't know if  thats  to  do  with  an  eviction or  not  maybe they have to chose between  the  money or being  a  hm ,  i'd take the  dosh and  run

  3. There's going to be a double eviction next Tuesday apparently.This report is from last week.

  4. i don't know but there's a double eviction next tuesday

  5. Not too sure Kirst but the jungle drums say yes!

  6. All I know is what Bex has said Kirst !

  7. someone will win £50000   it was on bblb today

  8. according to the big brother pages on the suns website, whoever loses the task, will be evicted

  9. apparently 2 people will perform a live task, the loser of the task is going!!!

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