
Is someone here clairvoyant / psychic?

by  |  earlier

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can i possibly talk to you...if you are?

only serious answers please.

thanks :)




  1. Eenie meanie chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak.

  2. Have you noticed the dearth of psychic ads on the television?  These talents do seem to exist, but are so undependable as to be untrustworthy.

  3. no, noone here is psychic or clairvoyant. However, you have just opened yourself up to becoming the victim of a con-job.

  4. they do exist, just by explaining how they don't exist verifies their existence...they do exist.  but, the best thing you can do to get answers about whatever personal questions you have is to look within yourself, no one knows better!  we all have the gist, some are better in tune with it than others... trust your gut, your instincts... listen to the voice within - it is powerful!

  5. Howdy:To answer your question....yes,i am psychic,but not like those that make a living from rorting people of their money.I cannot "see" when i want to,i cant force can come to me while i am watching tv,reading a book or working in the yard.I can meet or see people and pass a comment on them without a though and it will be right.A touch from me,if you are troubled or in doubt about something ,could bring you an answer from me without me being told of your problem,if i am in tune with you.DO NOT be conned by those who play on your emotions,these people are not true to themselves and only play off others.All the best to you,

  6. Well, I'm not clairvoyant, I'm an empath (I feel emotions and emotional energy). I do have a bit of clairvoyance, but it's not really strong, am also a telepath and a spiritual medium. I can hear and speak with angels and the deceased. I'm the best at feeling things out, with my empathy.

    I can't promise I can help you, as sometimes I get things, and sometimes I just don't. For me, that's the way it works, as sometimes I'm really open and I can see quite a lot. But sometimes, well, I'm human, and stress gets to me and I close down for a while. It's not anything I've learned to control yet. But I'll help you if I can. You can email me through my profile.

  7. You can email me and I'll try my best to answer your questions.

  8. I don't know anyone who is, but I knew you were going to ask this question.

  9. I'm psychic, telepathic, empathetic, a spiritual medium and have multiple "sixth senses"

    I'm not too much clairvoyant but I can do some excersizes I'm just not well developed yet

    I can tell my friends what colours and types of clothes they are wearing over the phone and I can sense other beings

    if they are around

    if you wanna talk to me about just hit me up I'm always up for talkiing when I'm online

  10. Moms. :) I swear they know everything.

  11. Serious answer:

    Please don't fall into the too-easy trap of magical thinking.  Do what you can to understand the natural world around you.  Take responsibility for your own life and the decisions you need to make.

  12. rather than a clairvoyant and a psychic, i'm  more of a very spiritually sensitive person. i have had countlessly many paranormal encounters. and i will be happy to listen to your problems and refer you to an expert in your field of concern. :]

  13. You usually don't need the services of a psychic or clairvoyant.

    Go out and sit by the ocean, river or stream, if one isn't available - go for a long hike in the woods, or take a ride on a bike. Do something to occupy your mind and sometimes your problems will work themselves out.

  14. I can be, but I'm not always 100% right. Nobody is. if someone answers this and says they are, they're lying. Leave me a message, I'll help if I can...

  15. nope... go to the carnival... i'm sure there's one...

  16. I just knew you were going to ask this question.

  17. Yes i seen this question coming and answered you a week in advance

  18. that chick Heart is....... um..... HeartShineGirl

  19. You are a difficult person to are either male or a very masculine female..either way ,there's a strong energy around you..I think you live in the are an active person but a little bit the present time.not neurotic in any do rely on logic but are drawn to other ways when stuck..I think you are an athletic col are very independant and in your 20's

  20. You're setting yourself up to get scammed by believing in this junk.

  21. I'm an empathic, does that count?

  22. there might be.

    why would someone 'consult' them is something i'll never understand.

    what possible answer could you find outside yourself if it's a personal issue?

    i'll never know...

  23. No, no one on the planet is.

    What those who mistakenly claim to be psychic are doing is known as cold reading.

  24. Yes. I'm still a work in progress but I'm in awe.

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