
Is someone paying Michael Phelps $1 million dollars if he wins 8 medals?

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I heard that from someone in Australia. Don't know where they heard it.




  1. no

  2. I heard the same thing. I think it was Speedo that was going to pay him the million.

  3. yes speedo that is amazing look how many he has already won

  4. He already has 5 million dollars in endorsements and Speedo paid him 1 million according to his bio.

  5. Speedo is

  6. That's chump change now that he's the greatest Olympian in recorded history - and at 23! He'll probably score another $15 million in endorsements before the year is out. He and his family are set for life. And he certainly deserves it!

    Some of his current endorsements include Visa, PowerBar, Speedo, Omega (the watch company) and Argent Mortgage. Apparently MP3 and electronics company Matsunichi Communication Holdings has just negotiated a rumored $4 million deal with him.

    I certainly hope he starts up a charity for aspiring young Olympians to give back, as someone at his age and with his stature certainly doesn't need this windfall of money that he's getting. Additionally, he probably has no need to spend too much - likely he's getting gifts from any of his favorites companies at no charge!

    P.S., I wouldn't be surprised if certain scientific institutions start putting in requests to study his body, lifestyle and eating habits (all paid for of course). His lack of fatigue is by all current measure impossible.

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