
Is someone thinking of you if you dream about them?

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What does it mean when you dream about someone you haven't seen in awhile and you miss them, plus you have, let's just feelings for them?

There's this one person I haven't seen in awhile and I did have feelings for them. I'm not going to say love, cause everyone says it too soon, but she did have an effect on me. I often miss her and sometimes I'll have dreams about her. Which is understandable since I miss her and stuff. But the weird thing is that, even when she's not on my mind, I'll dream of her later that night. I remember, around the anniversary of when I quit(I met her at work), I wasn't even really thinking about it. Then for about 2 or 3 nights in a row, I kept having these dreams of her. In the dreams, sometimes she would be crying because she missed me and people would be trying to comfort her. Then, other times, she would be with me and we were holding hands and we were on the beach. And it's like I could literally feel what she was feeling. Almost as if they were my own feelings. I felt like she "loved' me in the dream, or that she was just insanely happy to be with me.

Part of me thinks maybe it's just my feelings for her being shown through her for me. But, then another part of me thinks "Maybe she misses me or something". What do you all think it could mean? Do you think 2 people who are alive can communicate through dreams? Do you think one person can let another person know they're missig them jusst through dreams?

Thanks for any help you can give me!




  1. well u obviously miss her r u still in touch with her or have u stopped since quitting work ? u usually find wen u leave school or a job ur friends slowly slip away even if u promise 2 stay in touch . but this is a different case 2 me u obviously miss her just because u dont work with her anymore doesnt mean u cant stay in touch .give her a call and meet up  

  2. I bet, in your subconsious mind, you miss her and think of her without even knowing her. I bet you have a really good imagination too, thats what it is. Why don't you ask God?

  3. It's all speculative, but...if you had a very strong connection with her I think it's definitely possible. Dreams are weird things...I've had the same dream as two other people on the same night before. It could be that she misses you, it could be that your subconscious is still very close to never know. Give her a call if you can.

  4. Maybe...

    It depends if you believe in stuff like that.

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