
Is someone trying to hijack my network? please help!?

by  |  earlier

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So, i recently got a cable/internet package thing from the cable company. they named the network "wattke" (a misspelling of my last name) and for the first week or so, when i looked at the thing in the corner, it said: "currently connected to wattke".

but now, when i look at it, it says:

"currently connected to wattke 2 (wattke)"

so, why did the network name change? did someone hijack my network? norton doesn't say anythings wrong, but i hear norton sucks. and do you think its safe to shop online, or is someone trying to steal my info, or what? (I know, i'm paranoid). Any help will be greatly apreciated.




  1. are you using WiFi ?? and with Vista ??

    its very common with it .. nobody is hijacking your network .. os does renames it by it self ...

    if you still think someone else is using your network .. then you can check it out from your router's setting page .. in which you can restrict user by MAC address .. in which you can also see currently connected clients ...

    but i think no body is hijacking your network..

  2. Its more likely your computer thinks you are on a new network, not a big deal.  Plus even if there was a hacker, Norton is good enough to catch them.

    If you would like to change the name of your network that can be done by either calling the cable co or going to nd changing the SSID.  If that site asks you for a username and password try username blank password admin. Or any combination of the two.  Also try the phone and account numbers if that doesn't work.

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