
Is someone trying to take the South Africans for a mickey?

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Just take a look at this questioner´s avatar, and that of the person awarded BA:;_ylt=AiZg0.xUcO935ozDBti386vty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080604054343AAqaAoO

Could these be the same person(s) asking Afrikaans mense for translation help? How many of them are there?




  1. I noticed that too.

    Good observation Darth. Could these asker & answerer be the same person here;...

    Not so long ago hlnlange had said that she lives in the UK but for some odd reason she's familiar with South African TV commercials?!

  2. Cakes, this is a person trying to pick up women via the Internet. When one of the younger ladies on the forum answer, he gives them the points and then try to engage them in further e-mail communication. A typical sleazeball that roam the Internet looking to prey on other people.


    Look also at the Makliekie Avatar, a big friend of this Posmanz as I recall. It is a similar case.;_yl...

  3. Maybe he has a split personality. He really answers himself like it's not the same person.

    He has a lot of the Y/SA regulars as contacts.

  4. I am not sure what to do about such cases. I have never had to deal with a character that has an identity problem. He is obviously abusing the system.

    Let us look at this clearly....he is doing it deliberately, knowing that it is noticeable (or he would use another name less obvious)

    So bottom line he is making fools of us and scoring under our noses.

  5. Lol Cakes I am so cross on the moment I'm spitting Feathers,so A*****Hole is sending me e-mails that's close to Cyber s*x,believe you me if I find that b*****d I will report them to the Police,it's so damm disgusting I just deleted it,what are people thinking of doing such silly things,h**l it's just disgusting.xxxx

    On the moment I'm so cross I do not feel incline to be nice to any one on the SA Yahoo!!!!xxxx

  6. How pointless....and sad. More like a way of cheating on points, I would say! Anyway,  good detective work Poirot!!!

  7. Yeah it's the same person I reckon. They must love the attention and have very boring lives!

    But I don't see what that advert has to do with SA?

    Maybe I am missing the point?

  8. Shame man cakes, think how lonely poor old postman must be to award himself BA's all the time......You should become a PI, well done for sniffing "them" out!

  9. Good detective work :-) I think that your question has scared him away... I can't see his question from today on the board anymore. Hopefully he won't be back...

  10. Yes he is the same person and I checked his A`s and Q`s. He always gives himself best answer. What can and should be done?

  11. How can you answer your own question?  I have never tried. Is it possible?

  12. Indeed - it looks a lot like my own translation -  no help from me any more

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    Die advertensie wat ek gekies het moedig die gebruik van Captain Morgan aan. Dit gaan oor n' man wat n' kroeg besoek saam met vriende, instede daarvan dat hy sy meisie vergesel na n' partytjie, nogtans vertel hy haar dat hy siek is...mens kan net ding wat verder gebeur. Die advertensie gebruik humor om die mense se verbeelding aan te gryp.

    Ek persoonlik glo dit is die snaakste advertensie wereldwyd. Dit laat mense glo as hulle Captain Morgan drink, hulle ook soveel pret sal beleef soos die man in die advertensie. Die uitdrukking wat hulle om die produk te bemark is "Skuil daar n' klein Captain Morgan in jou?" Alles in ag geneem dink ek die advertensie is effekfief, want dit bevestig die feit dat as ons somtyds nie iets wil doen nie, dink ons n' verskoning uit om daar uit te kom

    Hope this helps - but Darth will also have a good translation

    6 days ago

    I can't get the avatar to copy but look at my best answers  i got best answer for this one from him/her -  blerrie cheeck

  13. Yeah cakes I definitely think he is. . .


    Barend, I just check now myself! This dude be crazy. . .

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