
Is something being done to change our corrupt government?

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Although most people will readily admit that there is corruption high in our government, it seems that few will accept the pervasiveness of this corruption, or the seriousness of its implications.

Please consider with me for one moment what we know about human nature and power. Not only from reflecting on history, but from the observation of everyday life, we know that power corrupts, and the people who have it would do ANYTHING to keep it. We also know that money is power. But, did you know that over 90% of the wealth in this country, belongs to less than 1% of the population?

Now, you can try and deny this or spew on about "free capitalism", but the truth is this country has become Capitalism far before Democracy. The people who are making obscene amounts of money (power) are not going to let YOUR votes put them at risk, and they have the power to prevent your vote from making a difference.




  1. No worries

    Just vote for RON PAUL!

  2. Rant...

  3. I agree with what you fact, the sad thing is, Karl Marx said similar complaints about capitalism, and its true.  We have govt that caters to economy.  We have a ranking system that says if our country is making $$$ than even if you're in the low tax bracket, our country is patriotic and support the cause!  We have corporate monkeys in the white house...democrats and republicans all alike.  

    Last thing we need is another politician who will only continue this trend.  Someone please look up the history of Ralph Nader and what he has done in his life and what he stands for.  Even if you don't vote for him, or think he's unelectable, this is the kind of person we need in the white house.

  4. In this case, change, if at all, is extremely incremental.

    Any critique of power must ultimately involve everyone of us.

  5. The only way to change the government at this point is either a slow process or a federal abolishment of certain departments.

    The other way is one that I do not recommend anyone try because of what the response of government would be and that is revolution

    If we can not vote for the politicians that are in office or trying to get there maybe we should change the way people get elected or find people who are not money hungry, self seeking, power grubbing maniacs with agendas that destroy American citizens

  6. It's happening every day.  People are turning their collective backs on the Republican party and all it stands for.  Tax breaks for the rich.  "Trickle down economics".  War mongers who never spent a day in boot camp.  Arrogance and ignorance. Smear tactics.  Dirty tricks.  And if there's no paper trail when we vote in November, they will be back.  Declaring Martial Law.  Wiretapping.  Enemy Lists.  Record profits for oil companies.  And still, there will be young guys on their computers, typing away, until they get their notice from the Draft Board.  Then it will be too late.

  7. I don't need a movie to tell me what I've known for almost 50 years ... you are correct .  

            Until the people come together to make a real change Capitalism will rule this country .. and the 1% will keep their power and money.

          People naturally become complacent when they are comfortable ... If the powers that be don't let the people keep a tolerable comfort level .. that is when empires fall.

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