
Is something really going to take place on 2012?

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Can someone please give me a detailed explaination on exactly what's supposed to happen on 2012? I've heard that the world is supposed to end because of an asteroid, I've heard that the rapture is supposed to take place on this day, I've also heard that the planets are supposed to align causing some sort of mysterious spiritual event, and I've heard a countless number of other theories describing what this day will be like. There are two dates I've heard. One is May 20 and the other is Dec 21. I'm not afraid at all, rather invigorated because I would truly like to see what would happen on this day. So is this just another Y2K scare, or is this something real?




  1. god said no man or angel knoweth when the world is going to end.

  2. Lots of things will happen in 2012:

    - January 31, 433 Eros, the second-largest Near Earth Object on record will pass Earth at 0.1790 astronomical units (26.8 million kilometers)

    - May 20, annular solar eclipse

    - June 6, 2nd and last solar transit of the planet Venus of this century

    - November 13, total solar eclipse (visible in northern Australia and the South Pacific)

    - November 28, penumbral lunar eclipse

    - December 3, Jupiter oppositions

    - December 21, winter solstice in North America

    - December 31, expiration of the Kyoto Protocol

    A lot of other known events that year (the Olympics, elections, etc.).

    Also a lot of unpredictable events that happen every year, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, wars, etc.

    The whole "end of the world" trash is just that - trash.

    Most is from a complete misunderstanding or deliberate misinterpretation of the Mayan Long Count calendar.  

    Many believe that the Maya civilization's Long Count calendar ends abruptly on December 21, 2012.  This misconception is due to the Maya practice of using only five places in Long Count Calendar inscriptions. On some monuments the Maya calculated dates far into the past and future but there is no "end of the world" date.

    But some of this also comes from "doom-sayers" that will find anything they can to scare uneducated or gullible people.

    The "science" behind Planet X, the "alignment of the sun with the galactic centre", and all that other stuff is pure hype.

    There have been doomsday prophecies for millenia - Y2K and comet Hale-Bopp are recent ones, but there were prophecies the Earth would end in 1910 because of Halley's Comet, and it would end when our calendar changed to the year 1000 AD, and lots of others.

    None of these have ever been scientifically credible.

  3. The short answer to your question is no. the world is not going to end in 2012. There is no scientific proof, or evidence for that matter. People think that the world is going to end because that’s when the mayan calendar ends. If this is why the world is going to end then we might as well say that the world is going to end on December 31 2009 because no calendars have been printed for 2010 yet. Its an absurd idea that has been shamelessly endorsed by yahoo, google, the news media, and even the history channel.

    that’s the short answer. Here’s the long one:

    There are a couple theories on how the world will supposedly end in 2012. I will give you examples, and shoot the ideas down for you.

    The most popular idea is that planet x, is going to come to the earth and block the sunlight. First of all, it is not “the planet x” it’s “a planet x”. planet x is a generalized term that caught on a couple hundred years ago that was used to describe unknown planets of our solar system. Neptune was once a planet x. astronomers calculated that the orbital period of Uranus was affected by another object, probably a planet, that was beyond Uranus. They calculated the orbital period of this planet x, and found where it would be at a specific time. They saw the planet, and it was no longer considered planet x. it got its name- Neptune. Scientists miscalculated the orbital period of Neptune being affected by another planet, but by chance their miscalculations revealed Pluto. This icy world was also considered planet x, and was first seen in 1930. It was considered a planet until 2006 when it was demoted to a dwarf planet, and now a plutoid. Sedna, quaour, eris, and ceris were all considered planet x’s, and were eventually classified as plutoids.

    Now that you know the true definition of a planet x, lets talk about the scientific improbabilities of a planet x that is going to travel all the way to the earth. First of all, I have gone to college, and received a PhD in astronomy and astrophysics and I have never heard of nibiru. According to recent data, there may be another planet larger than earth lying in the kupiter belt. this planet would have to be more than 5 light years away. So if it were to suddenly travel at light speed, the fastest possible speed an object can achieve, it would take the planet 5 years to get here. 2012 is less than 4 years away. Besides the mathematic problems, there are scientific problems too. First of all, there is no force that would make the planet travel at light speed. Second, it would have to get through the beatings of countless asteroids, and the gravitational pull of the four gas giants of the outer solar system - Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. I wouldn’t be surprised if it became a moon of one of those planets on its way. Anyway, if it did get through the gas giants, it has to get through another asteroid belt, as well as mars. It will most likely be shot into outer space, or into the sun where it will burn up. If it did manage, by some miracle, to get in front of the earth, it would be in a different gravitational shell. It would be closer, which means it will orbit the sun faster than the earth, therefore it will move away from us. So that’s not going to happen.

    Another theory is about the asteroid. Its going to hit earth or whatever. Here’s why it won’t work: the asteroid has to take the same path to get to the earth as planet x, but it is even smaller, and will take more of a beating. If it got through everything, it would just crash into our moon probably. If it did come to earth, the atmosphere would burn it up so much that there would probably be nothing left for it to hit earth.

    All other theories are just as absurd. Nothing is going to happen in 2012, except for the same things that could happen any other year.

  4. The only astronomical event on December 21st 2012 is the solstice, when the sun reaches its most southerly point in the sky for that year. The 2012 cranks are also getting excited about what they call a "galactic alignment". Our galaxy, the Milky Way, appears as a band of light all around the sky. The sun circles the whole sky in a year as the earth orbits it. It follows that the sun must therefore pass in front of the Milky Way twice a year and it just happens to be near the time of the solstices. The cranks seem to overlook this regular annual event and are making a big deal out of it in 2012 because it coincides with the end of a period of the Mayan calendar. In fact, precisely the same phenomenon happened a week ago on the 21st of June. I didn't notice any apocalyptic events on that day and December 21st 2012 will be just the same.

    Other hokum has been attached to that date. Mystery planet Nibiru, pole reversal, planetary alignments, solar storms, earth's "wobble" on its axis - you name it - it's all nonsense. Here is the arrangement of the planets on that date:

    No alignment that I can see. As for the 'rapture' - that's always going to turn up and never does.

    It will be a quiet and uneventful day.

  5. It is a cruel hoax perpetrated by the History Channel. Nothing unusual is gonna happen, except there will be a load of stoned hippies at Stonehenge, the Pyramids and other such places.

    I shall be keeping well away from that bunch of idiots of course.

  6. Nothing will happen in 2012.

    All this 2012 nonsense is because some person (wrongly it turns out) reported that a newly discovered ancient Mayan calendar ended on 2012. That is all. Nothing else. No asteroid. No rapture. Nothing.

  7. The only catastrophe that I can see is for people who believe the world will end in 2012 and who spend all of their money partying before the end.  They may have severe problems paying their 2011 income taxes and housing costs.

    That is, quit watching TV!

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