
Is something really wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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imam home everyday i cant seem to get a job. really i haven't looked. my husband supports me i have a depression i used to work now i don't imam lost i just take life as it comes i don't reach out to do anything because everything cost money imam lost imam crazy or what plus i do allot of praying everyday igo to church and sit down quite to pray help if you can give me some advise




  1. Praying is good. Look for small changes you can make to improve your circumstances because too much too fast can be overwhelming and cause you to give up. Focus on things that are in your control instead of what isn't. You might consider doing some volunteer work to keep you busy and lift your spirits. Walking can also be good for depression.

  2. Nothing's wrong with you! I feel the same way, but I'm pregnant and I've been very sick! Maybe it would make you feel better if you actually went and looked for a job! Making money makes everyone feel better!! Plus you wouldn't have to depend on your husband to give you any money!

  3. If your deppression is affecting your everyday actions and interfering with you life. You do need to seek medical attention. You will get the help you need and the answers your looking for. Just keep praying to your God and look to his word. Help is on the way.

  4. You need to get involved in something that makes you happy.  Possibly a hobby where you can be around a group of people with similar interest.  Also I suggest talking to someone at your church.  I'm sure a pastor or another member would be able to give you some advice on your situation.

  5. Sorry bonbon.I dont know that really.I want to know one thing,what is that imam?

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