
Is something rong with my hamster Rolo ?

by  |  earlier

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My hamster Rolo was quite dark when i got her i have had her for about 4 months and she gone really really really really really light and i no im a bit wired freaking out about it but i love her soo much so i just wanted to no....thankyou lots !! x x x x x (this is the same Rolo that went missing for adges and i thought she was gone but than she turned up.....shes gets out about 4 tims a week )




  1. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal! My hamster changed quite drastically from being a very dark baby, to being a very light adult!

    Everything's fine :)  

  2. um ok what?  your hamster's coat is lighter?  what kind of hamster is she...if it's a winterwhite, it'll change durring seasons..

    and if it's getting out so much on it's own, you need a different living environment for it, because it's irresponsible for you to let it stay in something you know it can get out's probably sick now..eaten something poisonous, take it to a vet..geeze take care of your animal don't act like it's no big deal that it gets out!

  3. sorry idk.

    answer mine!;...

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