
Is something up in my house? Or is it just a coincidence?

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One night I was on my computer late at night, and I hear a "clack" noise as if a framed picture getting put on a hard, glossy surface in my kitchen. (My whole family was asleep besides me, and the lights were off in my house, and all the doors were locked.) I walk into my kitchen, to find a picture of Virgin Mary on my counter. I haven't seen it at ALL before, and my family didn't recognize it. Also, I always feel like I've been being watched in my house a lot lately.. I really like feel the chills when I walk up to my room and stuff. Help?




  1. The answer depends largely on what you believe in.

    That would creep me out too.  But, it doesn't change the fact that there has to be a logical explanation, no matter what you feel to be true.

    I've heard some people tell some pretty convincing stories.  But, some things you just can't believe unless you actually see.  And, even then, I'ld wonder.

  2. I think someone is messing with you, either from within your home or sneaking into your home.  Maybe not meaning to harm you but they are frightening you.  Leave a note where the picture was found and ask a question, leave a pen and see if you get a reply.  If at all possible set up a video camera where it can't be seen near the note.

    I would have a difficult time relaxing in my home if something like this happened, I'd want to know the truth and protect myself.

    Good Luck To You

  3. Clack noise could have been changes in pressure outside causing your windows to swell and the pain to adjust.  Or a ghost dropping a picture.

    Picture of Mary, well thats harder, i you have family in the house maybe one of them picked it up and was unaware of what it was.  Things fall out of things all the time you know.  It could have been a really weird way the catholic church prostilitizes these days.  Priests breaking into your house and leaving religious icons about...  Heard of weirder things.  Or it could be that if your house is old, or if you are moving stuff around it just got placed there without some one looking at it.  Really tons of reasons why that would happen

    Most Logical answer, one of your kids is exploring religion and thought she was pretty.  Doesnt want to fess up cause you might have made it seem like a big deal.  When I was little I did stuff like that all the time (pick up pretty religious things to bring home...  One reason why I am not welcome at church any more.  They should have a disclaimer, Hymnals not to leave church...  Icons are not free...  Please do not take the collection plate...)  Any way...

    Logical reasons.

  4. is there any way i can get a pic of the picture and the spot it was found in i would really like to see you can send it  

  5. Okay, I was just going to come in here with a simple answer, but after reading that...

    I don't know. Really, I don't. That is just creepy.

    Perhaps it's a sign from God? Anything's possible...

  6. If what you are saying is true than yes you do have something going on in your home......................

  7. Woah that gives me the chills! I'm sure that if you've lived in your house for a while it's nothing,

  8. It doesn't seem like it's anything to fear.  If you had an evil spirit in your house they certainly wouldn't leave you a picture of the Virgin Mary.

  9. Maybe theres a small japanese woman living in your kitchen cupboard? It's been known to happen!  

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