
Is something wrong? For girl's only?

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I am 12 and still dont have my period is that bad or good ?I know some people who had it at age ten.Is there something wrong with me?




  1. Don't worry.  I started my period before I turned 10, but my best friend was 19 when she had her first period.  Every girl is different.  I have read that girls who are more physically active (sports, exercise, etc.) tend to start their periods a little bit later than others.  Whether that is true or not, I don't know.  But trust me, don't worry about anything.  Besides, once you get your period, you'll probably wish you hadn't... It's not always the most fun!

    Good luck.

  2. the average is 12.  so no.  its totally normal.  some people don't get it til they're 16.  your fine :]

  3. oh hunnii, its kayy :)

    i started when i wa 10, right after i turned 10 actually.

    But my bestfriend is almost 15, and shr still hasnt started don't worry.

  4. I was twelve but some do not start until about 17, really don't worry. Just always have sanitary wear in your bag and ready, when it happens you will be surprised, maybe a little overwhelmed - but ready to cope!. Soon enough it becomes a monthly thing you get used to.

  5. dont worry, im 12 and i just it last week but make sure you are always ready for any leak at anytime. I had mine at home luckily but i had pads in my packback all year long during school. So no biggy if you get it in school just ask to be excused. :)

  6. Everything is normal with you. The average for first period is 11-17.

    I would strongly recommend to discover more about puberty development stages and first period below

  7. its fine everyone starts at different times  

  8. u will start when you are 6 stone or over

    cant remenber who told me that lol xx

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