
Is something wrong w/ my Dad?

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My Dad, I really think, needs some serious freaking' anger classes.

He doesn't like my neighbor, and I don't know whyy. So when my twin brother went over there to hang out, he stomped out of his room, and screamed that I needed to march over there, and tell them to send my brother home. There a perfectly nice,normal family, I wasnt about to barge over there. Thats rude and embarrassing! So I politely told Daddy no, that I wasnt going over there. So he started screaming at me that I was a piece of **** I was worthless I was ugly, and I should never ask him for anything ever again. I couldnt believe he just said that to me,so I walked downstairs and told my mother,who tried talking to him,but he only yelled some more. Then he came in my room, smacked me, and took my phone awayy. Its nearly impossible to sit down and have a talk with him because he only resorts to yelling, I've tried everything from writing notes, to leaving him voicemails, but nothing works. I get so irritated talking to a brick wall,that I just dont know what to do anyymore. Does anyone have any advice, or an answer?

Thank youuu.




  1. wow.

    i have the EXACT same problem, and I still don't know what to do. My mom was gone last year in germany for the navy, and when she came back, she found him like this. abusive, and ALWAYS angry. She takes counseling courses, and I'm looking into them. I guess that's the only advice i can offer, but it's good to know there's someone else with my problem.

    good luck.

  2. maybe your father has some experiences with that family that you don't know about. Its better to listen to your parents in the first place instead of making them angry. respect to your parents is necessary for a happy family.

    your father should not have hit you, but do not resort to getting your father into trouble, talk to your mother and ask her for advice.

  3. put him in a home. j.k. tell him he needs anger managment if he wants to be ur dad. j.k. but maybe he really does need anger managment.

  4. You should all chip in to send him on a month of vacation... by himself.

    Men get stressed out, for many reasons, and get angry. Its not right, but it happens.

    Have an anger intervention

    You can call the police , but this will make all of you miserable, belive me. Its best to keep any legal entities OUT of your life. Things will never be the same if you set this into motion.

  5. ask him to talk to a therapist, or to go to anger management classes, if that doesn't work, he should probably go see a doctor.

  6. Try talking to him in a public place, sometimes it helps keep the yelling to a minimum.  But, you must talk to get this out in the open.

    Good luck!

  7. well its quite obiously he isnt happy, he must be stressinghimself out like mad.

    i would just avoid him, ye would think he's an sargant at the army lol.

  8. This is abuse. Do something about it.

  9. o ma gosh...dats crazy

    da best thing 2do is either stay away but thats not gona make the problem jus sit down n talk 2 him calmley about how u feel...hope fully he will show affection n listen

    gud luck!!!

  10. If your dad hit you, call the police.  They will assist him in finding an appropriate anger management class.  

  11. No offense but your dad definitely has a problem that needs to be helped.Is he an alcoholic? Or has he just resorted to yelling his entire life? Have your mom talk to him gently and tell him he is going to go to anger management classes because he is only hurting his family by yelling.About the neighbors-I'm really not sure about this one.Maybe one day he was just really stressed out and the neighbors said something offensive...I'm not sure. Just find your dad help and convince him that this is the best choice for him and the family.If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone talk to a school counselor.This is a hard situation especially on you and your brother.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

  12. That is not normal, or ok. You need to talk to someone about that, like a school counselor or something. That is serious.

  13. Sorry, I don't agree with what everyone else is saying. He does have a problem. Yes. But, It probably isn't you, your brother or your mom. He probably has something on his mind. It could be work, finances. it could be anything. What he needs to do is talk to a doctor. He may need anti-depressants. They work. I wouldn't call the police if he is seriously not hurting you or the family. All that does is create more red tape and depression that the family has to go through.

    good luck

  14. I think your Dad has some serious worries and problems.He is struggling with bottled pent up emotions which is dangerous.Taking it out on the family is only making things worse.Your Mum must sit down and talk to him about this for everyones sake.He may also be worried about money or work.

  15. um yes your dad needs angerment classes. seriously, no dad she treat their kids like that. Try talking to your mom about that and maybe he should have some of those classes.

  16. Avoid him.  Do not talk to him. If you see him coming, go the other way.  When he asks why you are acting this way, tell him.  Suggest he get some counseling.  Buy he some books on controlling his anger.    

  17. Bless you, is he working really hard, does he have a social life. It prob is nothing to do with ur neighbor.

    Spk with your mum, ask her is there a problem, but she will prob not tell you anyway

    TRy to get ur dad out the house, and in a good mood then tell him you are worried about him, and ask if is everything ok.

  18. It sounds like your dad has a serious problem.  It is NOT you.  Don't think that it is you either.  I would say that that is emotional abuse if anything.  Or he may just be an alcoholic.  I've had a few of those in my family.  If either one of those are the case then I don't think that there is anything that you can do.  He needs to talk to someone about it.  But he's not going to listen to anyone who tells him to go.  You are going to have to take it with a grain of salt.  Then when you are old enough to move out you probably need to do that.  Just make sure when you have kids not to treat them that way.

  19. Sounds like he has something on his mind that has nothing to do with you but he is taking it out on you.  He seems to have a rage problem...later he'll probably apologize or at least act like he's sorry.  Is there anyone you can talk to?  You don't need to be "smacked".  Stay safe and try to stay away from him when he starts to get worked up.  You can't control him or his rage.  Don't believe any of the awful things he says to you...that's not okay at all. He doesn't mean them I'm sure but that "spilling over from the mouth" is part of the uncontrolled anger/rage.   Fathers shouldn't treat their children that way!  Have you listened to the song, "Daughters", by John Mayer?  HE really needs to listen to it.  Please find someone you trust to talk to about this...teacher, friend's mom, relative...someone old enough to help you and your family's situation.  Many blessings to you!

  20. What your father is doing is physical and emotion abuse!!  While there may be something going on between your neighbor's and your father, it is still no excuse for what he has done to you!  Talk to a trusted adult about your home situation to find out options for you and your family.  Seeing a  specialist as a family may resolve what is going on and find the reason for your father's issues.

  21. Sounds a lot like what my parents do sometimes. Hm....maybe something happened between your neighbors and your dad? Or maybe he's just overly stressed.

    I simply tune out my parents when they start calling me a piece of ****

    and i try to avoid them when they get angry. Try asking your dad how is day is going every once in a while and if he needs to rant about some people at work or whatnot just listen. If things get TOO out of hand though, someone else may need to be informed. Sry if this isn't really much of a help!  

  22. yes, your father does have some anger managment issues . since your father cant be talked to, try talking to your mom and tell her how the things he says really hurts you . ask her if there was anything from his life when he was younger that could have emotionally scarred him therefore effecting his life now. ask her if perhaps she would consider some family counciling because it really is effecting you .

  23. I don't know how old your dad is but maybe he is going through a mid life crisis. When my dad was in his mid forties he started yelling a lot, and doing weird things like that too. He never was downright cruel to any of us kids or my mom though. And he definately never hit us.

    It eventually passed after about a year and a half. My dad never yells at anyone anymore. Hopefully your dad just needs time to chill out like my dad. But I wouldn't tolerate the hitting.

  24. Yes something is very wrong.  You need adult assistance NOW.  Teacher, preacher, grand parent anyone.  If he hits you you can call the cops but if you'd rather not have him arrested (that would make anger management classes a must) you could try child protective services to protect yourself.  Do something soon as this will not get better and is most certainly bound to get worse.

  25. just ignore him until he apologizes or cools down.

    you could talk to him when hes in a good mood about how you feel scared and confused on why he gets so angry all the time.  

  26. Even though you're young, you deserve respect. You don't deserve anyone calling you names or putting you down, even by your father. Have you spoken to a counselor? They can probably intervene and halt further verbal abuse. But in the mean time I would steer very clear of you father. Try to talk to him as little as possible, don't write anymore notes or leave anymore voice mails. It could only trigger more abuse. It also sounds like maybe your father has other problems like drugs or alcohol or problems at work, or maybe even his marriage. Hang in there, and I hope everything works out for you.

  27. call social services - your dad has serious issues.

  28. Yeah, my dad is like that too. But, you know that he loves you. Its just part of his personality. But, you do admit that you didnt listen to him.

    Try listening to him and he wont smack you or yell or anything. It's all about listening to your parents. Hope i helped!!

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