
Is something wrong with me? PLEASE ANSWER!

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Ok so I am 13 years old, and sometimes i feel really depressed, and I hate being away from my mother. We recently went on a vacation with me my mom, my brother, and my mom's new boyfriend. The whole trip i felt really depressed and just wanted to cry and huddle up in a ball and go and hide. My mom kept asking what was wrong with me, but I couldnt answer because i dont know why i am acting this way. This didnt just happen on the vacation. It happens all the time. I didn't really think anything of it the first couple of times, but its getting really bad now. I dont know what to do, and I am scared. someone please help me.




  1. your body is going through a lot of changes right now. it probably has a lot to do with that coupled with stressful situations. try talking to your mom about it. i'm sure she will want to help you.

    if you have a hard time expressing or talking about what is wrong, try writing down an emotion you feel in the center of a piece of paper. when you get time, expand on that emotion, write times you feel like this, what you want to do when you feel this, what you think could be contributing to this feeling, etc. do it like a spider web outline, if you have done one of those in school. keep adding to it anytime you think of something that deals with this feeling.

    good luck! it will get better, you are just in a rut right now. keep your head up and try not to let yourself get down.  

  2. that happens to me alot too because i am really paranoid and scared i got over after i told my mom

  3. I have that happen to me too sometimes...

    I think this happens because of stress, and because of emotions that you haven't expressed that you let build up inside you.

    p.s. I <3 JB too!! :)

  4. I instantly noticed "new boyfriend." Also that you hate being away from mom. Did your old father die, or leave you? Or are your parents divorced? If that has something to do with it, you may need to talk to your mom about it, and maybe even her new boyfriend. If you still can't do anything, family counseling may be in order.

  5. Okay well seems to me you have a lil bit of depression this is possibly due to your mum having a nnew boyfriend which is making you feel out of the loop.. talk to your mum and tel her how you feel.  

  6. Have you told your mom how you're feeling?  It might help to see someone, like a school counselor or an outside counselor.

  7. Try exploring your feelings related to you and your mom.

    Is it hard for you to share her with other people?

    Do you feel left out if someone else has her attention?

    If you are having a hard time figuring things out, see if you can get some help with this by going to see a therapist.  Good Luck.

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