
Is something wrong with me?? ?

by  |  earlier

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Okay im 13 going on 14 soon.

and i dont know what the heck go into me. but i went into my moms room and stole/tried on on of thongs.

and it was soo comfy. i loved it. i almost stole it for good, but i didnt. i put it back (yes i know, yuck).

Im a girl btw.

So yeah, is this like weird that i wanted to try a thong and did? Is it weird that i liked the thong??

Im not a 40 yr. perv or anything, but i just want to make sure there nothing wrong with me.

Also, my mom still buys me the little girl panties in the pack at like walmart with stupid stuff, big panty lines, and high rise/saggy butt.

So i dont know what made me want to try a thong? I mean lots of girls at my school wear it.. but..

idk, am i wrong? or weird?

Also: should i make the switch to thongs? And how can i ask my mom?




  1. Just ask her... can you buy me thongs instead... or buy your own underwear.  NOthing is wrong maybe you just like them more.... just remember in gym class when you have to change people could see your butt!

  2. No hun you're just growing 13 and 17 year old daughters wear them (I buy them their own) and they don't have to think about taking

    Just tell her the baggy little girl underwear are not comfortable under your clothes (all true)

  3. thats the age i bought my first couple of thongs dont worry its perfectly normal.there isnt anything wrong with you you were just curious.and even thought there  are better ways to see if you like them nobody has to know.

  4. There's nothing wrong with you. You were essentially playing dress up.

    Why don't you just go with her the next time she's shopping and pick out new stuff? It's honestly not a big deal.

    Be careful about writing about stuff like that here. I asked a question about panties and got pervy emails. There are sick people in the world who care about stuff like that.

  5. sure what the heck [:

    if you liked em' where 'em =)

    just ask her, Im 13 going to be 14 soon and i have worn thongs for over a year.

    I dont think your mom will mind

    **good luck!

  6. your just growing up.....loads of girls your age and younger are wearing thongs!

  7. I hate the whole high rise/saggy butt c**p. Switch to a thong if that's what you like. Personally, when I went thong, I never went back. I went and bought one with my friends and then brought it home and my mom saw it and got the idea. She's bought me thongs ever since.

  8. there is nothing wrong with you they are comfy and i would want those instead of granny pantys so just ask your mom to buy you some im sure if you ask she wont mind

  9. Nothing is wrong with you at all! I used to try on my sisters...: (

    Then one day when I was fourteen, my friends and were at the mall..and we bought our own thongs! It was so exciting and so embarrassing! But now, years later, it's no big deal.

    If you want, buy one yourself, or ask your mom. It's really just underwear, no big deal! Or, if you'r'e just trying to get away from the high rise/saggy butt (I know exactly what you mean, I had those all through elementary school!) You could just try to get a nice fitting pair that does not come in a pack.  

  10. just ask your mom I'm sure It will be ok.  I don't understand thongs they are nasty but what ever you do don't wear then so the hole world can see .

  11. Get off your own case - being curious about clothes as you grow older is completely normal....  Now go shopping for clothes you want...

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