
Is something wrong with my MacBook Pro screen?

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This may be a dummy question (I'm hoping it is) but I'm new to mac and can't find and answer to this anywhere.

Mt MacBook Pro is brand new and when I opened it to use it this morning it was fine. After a few minutes at the bottom of the screen it's like i can see each backlight that is shining up on the screen. it looks like a series of little lights shining up instead of lighting up the whole screen. If you look at it the opposite way, it looks like grey 'waves' at the bottom of the screen. I was doing anything at the time except looking at Safari. Is this something I did or can undo? Oh my, I hope it isn't bad...




  1. This is called the "oven lights" problem. Do a search on it. I believe you will need a new screen.

    Here is a thread:

    P.S. Paige - like the name, by the way - you might want to keep an eye on this as well (see second link). Nvidia shipped a bunch of bad video cards. I have a MacBook Pro with one of these "doomed" cards. Hope you fare better!

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