
Is something wrong with my eyes or my body?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have this problem but im not sure if its a problem. sometimes like at least 3 times a day my eyes totally give out and i cant see any thing for a couple of seconds and when that happens my body feels really light and i either have to sit down or lean against a wall even if its in the middle of the bathroom or some weird place like that. usually my head hurts. also sometimes after i sit down my body kind of starts twitching like my foot or my hand. the most it ever lasts is 30 seconds but it still bothers me. i dont think its because im dehydrated tho. it usually happens when i get up from laying down. also this has been happening since i was little but the twitching hasnt been going on that long. by the way im almost 13 so im not that old. i have told my parents about it but they dont really believe me or i dont think they do.





    You've been taken over by a demonic force.

  2. I used to have something like this happen to me about that same age (but I'm a guy).

    I never actually found out what it was, but it never had any effect but to scare me. Now that I think back on it, I think it might have something to do with my eating- was I getting enough food for my body- etc.

    It didn't completely go away, every now and again when I don't get enough sleep and I deprive myself of a good meal (or two) it happens again, but never as bad as it had- and this was 15 years ago.

    If you have a nutritionist at school, talk to them. If your parents don't believe you or are not willing to do anything about it, talk to your counselor at school. Get help, don't just ignore it like I did, it could be something serious!

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