
Is something wrong with my goldfish?

by  |  earlier

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My goldfish seems to be missing some scales from his sides, and its long tail fins seem to be split. Is something wrong with my fish, and, if so, what can I do to treat it?




  1. ur fish has poor nutrition get something to put in the water to help provide nice shiny scales

  2. you dont say what decor you have,it could just be your fish has been chased by the other fish,and bumped into something.keep an eye on it, see if the fish improves.

  3. sounds like its been fighting

  4. i think it might be an infection but don't worry it should heal

  5. NO NO NO NO! Never put a betta with a Goldfish. The betta will kill the goldfish. Go to the petstore and get some medication. Or you can ut salt in the water.  

  6. it could be a bacterial infection and a bacterial fin rot... are parts of his tail red? There are a couple of treatments you can use, melafix, pimafix, mardel products... if you use something in pill form, dissolve it first, so the goldfish does not eat it...

    If there are other fish in the tank, they could be beating it up too... still to prevent infection treat it anyways...

  7. get a beta fish and put in the tank with this one.  

  8. Hey,

    My fish had the smae problem a couple years ago - it's fin rot. Go to you're local pet shop or aquarium and buy the fin rot treatment. He'll be better soon :D

  9. Put some stress coat on your fish or in the water. (only a few drops every other week) this will help repair the scales. And also calm the fish down.

    Some fish jump easily or become really active, causing them to scrape along ornaments, or hit the glass/plastic causing damage.

    Never touch you fish because the oils on your skin can burn his/her scales. Also you might not think your putting alot of pressure on the fish but your doing quite the opposite.

    Hope this helps and good luck

  10. probably fin rot - I'm treating my fish for that at the moment. have a good look at the fins and make sure there arnt little white spots on the fins, that could be a sign of white spot (funnily enough) you can buy a treatment for the fin rot - follow the instructions and treat the whole tank and the fish should be fine. My fish have also had the red streaks all over them, as well as fin rot and white spot - 2 weeks later, they seem to be recovering well. God knows what happened there :S

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