
Is something wrong with my milk?

by  |  earlier

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My baby is 2 1/2 months old, I have been breastfeeding her. I have noticed that she is spitting up brown stuff, it looks like old blood. Is is possible that she has sucked down a blood clot & is spitting it up??? I cant find anything in my books about it, should I keep letting her eat or pump & feed her. I havent noticed anyblood in the milk.




  1. i would call the doctor like now you never know what could be going on so call the doctor and ask him i've never heard of anything like that

  2. Go to your doctors ASAP!  Or at least call your capital health line!  If there is no blood in the milk then you should not see blood coming up and if there is bllod in the milk then they should not be drinking it.  Baby puke is white and sometimes like cottage cheese, not brown!

  3. It's also possible that something's seriously wrong.  I'd just give the doctor a call if I were you.

  4. take her to a lactation consultant and also have her checked out by her pediatrician

  5. It sounds like you have some nipple chaffing or bleeding. Is this every feeding? Contact a lactating nurse or bf consultant at the hospital.

  6. If your nipples were bleeding you would notice.  And there is no blood in your pumped milk so I would tend to think something else is going on.

    I don't see how you would miss the blood in your milk when you pumped.

    A third common cause: If mom has a  cracked nipple or other bleeding, then baby may ingest some blood from mom (this is not harmful to baby), which may show up in baby's stool.

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