
Is something wrong with my p***s?

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I couldn't pull my f******n all the way down until now at the age of 16. That means I could not have washed my entire p***s until now. (yes very dirty i know). When I pulled it all down, there were lots of smegma buildup in the glans. Also, when I pulled it all the way down, it was stuck and I had quite a difficulty sliding it up again, as I had to bend over and use force to do so.

Do I have something like mild paraphimosis or an infection because I had not cleaned it in years. I could clean the head a bit though so that's the only part that was clean. Please help as I am afraid I might have an infection and will have the same struggle again next time I try sliding it back up.




  1. Simple stretching should loosen up your f******n to allow for mobility and retraction.

    From your description, you have a large enough opening to insert a couple of fingers to stretch the opening sideways to widen it.

    You can also pull down on the f******n when erect, but the sideways stretching should work faster.  This should be done just to the point of a very small amount of pain and discomfort, probably a couple of times per day, morning and night.    It should be done slowly, gradually and gently over a period of weeks, and your problem will be solved.

    You're lucky to have a f******n, your parents loved you enough to leave you intact to enjoy a complete sexual experience in adult life that comes with having a complete p***s.

    Incidentally, the glans will probably be hypersensitive for awhile, but with a little exposure daily, this will diminish.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

    Don't pay attention to Ally's answer.    A woman who advocates male circumcision should herself be subjected to a female circumcision, scarred and mutilated, so she can see how she likes it.     Female circumcision involves amputating portions of the labia and clitoral hood, which is just like a miniature f******n--any  anatomy book will tell you that the male f******n and clitoral hood are analogous structures, like the clitoris and p***s.

  2. YOU ARE FINE! i had the same problem a few years ago and thought i had paraphimosis, but what the problem really was that i didnt pull it back as often as i should. All you really need to do is practice about 5-7 times a week until the elasticity in your f******n permits you to do it with ease. it is up to you how you choose to practice but lots of people practice with masturbation.

    once you can pull it back easier, you will find cleaning, and sexual experiences more satisfying.

    You will be fine!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


  3. As a female I can't relate to what your experiencing but  if your having that much difficulty maybe you need to be circumcised.  My male cousin had to get it done when he was eight due to problems (my aunt wasn't specific about what those problems were.)  

  4. You should be fine. Infections heal, especially if you are getting the area cleaned. If the skin ever gets so it gets stuck behind the glans and the glans swells up then you need emergency medical attention. You should be fine though, sounds like things are moving perfectly fine, albeit painfully for now.

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