I have a very sweet and fun loving 5 year old, when ever we go out people tell me how well behaved he is. And at home he is well behaved and listens. The problem is in the morning and sometimes at night he wines. Examples of this was just this morning I asked him to put his shoes on and as he was putting them on he started to cry and say that his SOCKS hurt and using this high pitched voice and began to complain. Stuff Ike this happens every morning. It's not just that, like he cant brush his teeth because his toothpaste wont come out. Then when we get in the car to go to school he's fine. There is not whining, no complaints he is ready to go. I've tried giving hem candy for not complaining, punishing him with early bed times. And he is in bed between 8 and 8:30 so he can't be that tiered. His dad and i are worried that he might have some emotional problems. Please tell me if you have experienced this or you have a suggestion.