
Is something wrong with the way I dress?

by  |  earlier

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This is how I normally dress:

and I was called a slob at college, I have no clue why. I think I look pretty neat and my hair looks neat as well. And the girl who walked by saying it was one of those who're always in high heels & miniskirts, with their faces caked with makeup. But what's wrong with how I dress???




  1. NOT AT ALL!

    i wish i dressed that good....

  2. Nope you look lovely! (: It's what I'll wear to school too. Just ignore that girl. Fashion is a personal thing.  

  3. no it looks fine. don't worry about what others think.

  4. nothings up with your style!!

    Its cool (=

  5. I think that looks fine, I wear that sometimes and no one calls me a slob. =)

  6. No. It looks fine. Pretty and sweet.  

  7. Nothing is wrong.

    That comment was purely out of jealousy.

    Very cute outfit.

    Something I would wear :)

  8. The way you dress looks simple and classy. Don't mind the girl.  

  9. nothing. your style is cute and chic. shes just jealous because she doesnt have as much class as you do.  

  10. Nah, it doesn't look sloppy.

    Do your clothes look dingy though? That may be what she was talking about (like if your clothes had stains or holes or even if they were wrinkled).

  11. the closthes are crumply thats all

  12. No way, that's soo cutee:]

    Don't listen to them.

  13. I wear almost the same style!

    Don't care what others say just wear what you want to wear. It's your body not theirs. If that's how you express yourself then keep doing it! Being original is better than acting like a total fake.

  14. holy shmokes.

    Girls that wear heels and miniskirts to school have something to prove.

    It's pretty pathetic if you ask me. She's probably just upset that you can end up looking cuter than her in a simple outfit and without having to spread layers of makeup on your face.

    Ignore the comments.

    You have a casual but stylish flair to what you wear, you don't look like a slob at all, that's non-sense.

    Chances are you're prettier than they'll ever be!

  15. Nothing wrong at all. It sounds like only one person made that comment which, by the way, shows she has no manners at all. Trust me, although it can be hard to hear that kind of thing you felt fine before - because you are - keep feeling fine now, because you are. Just keep being yourself. You're fine.

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