
Is something wrong with this??? how to fix it???

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I am 14 and my p***s is bent upwards... i want to fix it... i dont know how... plz help ty




  1. The average p***s does go upwards, not straight out from the body.

    It appears that there isn't anything wrong with your p***s, and it doesn't need fixing; it isn't wrong.

    Penises go in every direction, left, right, up, down, or a combination.

    They aren't straight, and it's normal, perfectly normal, for a p***s to point up when erect.

  2. Go to   WebMD and look under sexual disorders.  You may have what is called Peryonies Disease,  

  3. Lots of guys have some deviation in the straightness of the p***s. If the bend upward is not very marked, then leave it as it is. Others may think your p***s looks fine . The best thing to do is get your doctor to examine you and see if it needs any surgery. He can then refer you to a urologist if it is necessary.

    Your p***s may not be thro' growing. The surgery needs to be done by a doctor who is a expert in repairing and shaping the p***s. Depending on where you live there are very qualified doctors to help you in your decision making

  4. Try a splint, you can make one at home. Just get yourself aroused and get some string or something and tie a ruler around it for 15 minutes, twice a day, for two weeks.

  5. Don't bend/break it or anything.  It is just that you have blood filling up that area and causing it to bend like that.  By trying to bend it like you think it should be you could crush the veins and really cause yourself some problems.  It will straighten out when you get alittle older.

  6. Don't worry about it Stefen. Everybody is built different. There is nothing wrong. Some dudes are that way. Mine points to the left, I wish it was straight. But live with what you got, it's okay. Be cool.

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