
Is something wrong with this..?

by Guest32841  |  earlier

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Okay so my best friend text-ed my boyfriend without asking me, then when I found out and told her not to text him anymore and to delete his phone number (which I didn't even know she had, she told me she had got it out of my phone!) she agreed but told me I was being annoying. Was I wrong to be upset with her? Was she wrong for keeping his number, and texting him with out telling me?

BTW- she has a boyfriend too and is always talking about how mine is hotter and that she is bored with him. The text was only about selling some tickets to a concert the thing that bothered me was she didn't tell him she was texting him, he told me she had texted and He also wasn't happy that she was talking to him (he hates her)




  1. OK, you were right.  It should be taken care of now since you talked to her, even if she said you were annoying. (She just didn't like being told that she did something wrong.)

    If she does it again, she certainly is not a friend, much less a best friend.

    Glad your boyfriend told you about it, too.  That's cool.  

  2. This person is not a very faithful friend and looks like she's making a play for your boyfriend.  Don't trust her.  And you have every right to be upset.  Good luck.

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