
Is soneone pregnant with twins more like to place one or both for adoption?

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  1. All my pregancies have been twins.  None of them have been easy and all of them high-risk, as with any multiple pregnancy.

    Knowing how vulnerable I felt during my pregnancies I can see how a woman in that condition could be easily led or persuaded upon what is 'best' for her babies by unscrupulous adoption industry workers who make their living that way

    Twins should never be separated, from their mother or from each other.

  2. No way to know the stats on that.  I can tell you though, that today, if a mom places both twins for adoption, they are nearly always adopted together. That's a complete turnabout from 15 years ago.

  3. should keep them together

  4. I also think twins or multiplies should stick together. Most adoption agency will not separate twins anymore.

  5. My thought would be that a parent considering adoption is mostly just considering adoption- not whether or not they can handle two babies vs. one, that in many (not all) cases, they would have chosen adoption even if they were only carrying one baby.  Also, I wouldn't seperate twins.

  6. U. S. licensed agencies will not ever allow twins to be separated.  Other than that, I have never in 25 years of adoptions known twins to ever be separated even when birthmothers request it.  But have heard of it happening in international (non-U.S.) adoptions, where anything is possible..

  7. I believe siblings should always be kept together.

  8. i don't know.....i would guess both, just thinking of the sadness in separating them in the first place.  i think they need to be together.

    but if a person did give just one away, i would guess it would be bc they think in terms of two being harder than one.

    so basically, i haven't answered the question, but i did give it some thought!

  9. Anyone woman who would willingly separate twins should be hung at high noon.

  10. I would think both.  I know most open adoption agencies require that the children stay together if they are twins, triplets etc.

  11. Keep the twins together. I was adopted and separated from my sister that was hard when I couldn’t see her and I knew she was out there some where.

    I couldn’t imagine if I had a twin and they where adopted separate from me. That would be painful. Keep the twins together so they won’t have to suffer.

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