
Is sore feet a possible side effect of Vicodin?

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I have looked on WebMD and places like that but sore feet is not listed as a side effect.




  1. im not a doctor or anything but my slightly educated guess would be that since vicodin is a pain killer, could you be doing something to make your feet sore and not realizing it till the vicodin wears off? ive never heard of sore feet as a side effect so that would be the next logical thing i would think of.

  2. You better believe it is and especially after stopping it with continued use. And it is not only a soreness but a soreness like you were walking barefoot on concrete all day long. This if the only thing that is happening to you is a warning of physical dependence,

    It is your bodie's response to not having the opiates and what comes next is leg pain.

    ANd yes all opiate make you perform tasks more briskly thus when they wear off you don't realize you over excerted yourself.

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