
Is south africa safe and fun for a holiday?

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Were planning to go to south africa , but i hear theres alot of crime. were going to johannesburg, capetown and durban .. I also heard its very fun and different.




  1. Re: malaria preventive treatment.

    Don't bother with Malaria medicine if you aren't planning staying overnight anywhere in this area:

    Also... SA is an amazing holiday destination. I go home at least once a year... and I'd do so even if there weren't family and Friends to see.

    have fun and enjoy your trip.

  2. If I were you I'd take malaria preventive treatment.

    Always have some form of protection with you preferably a pen knife and pepper spray.  Make sure you don't have expensive valuables on you like jewellery! Also make sure you have a cell phone (mobile) with you! Number one rule of all keep your eye out and never trust anybody!!



    South Africa is a VERY beautiful country but it has been spoilt by it's government. I have a video that I think you should watch. It made me realise why I need to go home and see my country again and my family who I felt behind before it's too late. Good luck and please do enjoy your stay if you decide to come!

  3. You cannot be serious. South Africa is the crime capital of the World. You must have a death wish.

  4. Do you really want to come?

    It is dangerous you will be safer in Iraq than in south africa

    I am living here right now and you fear for your live everyday you dont even get a good nights rest in anymore

  5. South Africa is a wonderful place for a holiday! I live in Johannesburg... and my cousin and her boyfriend (who live in London) came to stay with us for a holiday for about a month. They really had a great time here! It really is a beautiful country!

    But yes, there is a lot of crime... but be careful and aware of the problems. You should be fine! Many people visit South Africa!

    Be careful on the beaches in Durban.. I think there is quite a bit of crime there. Well more that Joburg and Cape Town.

    And Cape Town is so beautiful!! So enjoy if you come:) Do some good research so you know the great places to visit!!

    Hope I helped!:)

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