
Is soy bad 4 u in the long run?

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im 13 and i acually like soymilk. my brother said that someone in his speach class from college did a speach on soy saying that. is soy bad in the long run 4 me?




  1. Anything can be bad for you in the long run. That's just common sense. If you are drinking 3 gallons aday then that's going to be a problem but if you moderate it like your suppose to its fine for you!

  2. Certainly not as bad as milk or flesh.  Do some research and you will have no trouble finding evidence that drinking milk is bad for you (despite what the powerful dairy lobby has made people believe through its billions of dollars of advertising) and eating meat causes cancer and heart disease.

    I limit my consumption of soy products to 2-3 times a week because I know that excess estrogen is a bad thing and phytoestrogens in soy mimic estrogen in the body.

  3. it"s healthier than real milk

    it's plant bases

    anybody that tells you that plants aren't healthy is retarded... seriously

  4. Soya proteins contain isoflavones that can mimic a weak oestrogen effect, that's true. BUT  it's not the same as the oestrogen the body makes - it is 1,000 times weaker than the body's oestrogen.

    There are other plants that contain oestrogen too.

    One of the concerns about soya is iits effect on thyroid conditions, and I don't have sufficient knowledge to talk about that.

    Another widespread concern is an alledged link to some cancers, especially breast cancer.

    There is  NO scientific evidence that soya causes, prevents, contributes to or affects the progress of breast cancer, including oestrogen positive breast cancer. There are those in the field who argue that isoflavones may be of help in preventing breast cancer or be beneficial to women who have had breast cancer.

    There is current research into whether increasing phyto-oestrogens in the diet helps to prevent breast or prostate cancer, and a study in 2002 found that women with the highest levels of soya products in their diets had the lowest breast density. Higher breast density is associated with higher breast cancer risk. This is the first time that soya has been found to have a direct effect on breast tissue.

    Also, women with the highest levels of isoflavones in their diet are reported to have significant risk reductions for uterine cancer.

    As long as soya is used in moderation, and there is no medical reason hy you shouldn't have it, it's safe to use

  5. There is nothing wrong with soy products (as long as you aren't allergic) that isn't wrong with any other. If you grow corn in massive amounts with artificial fertilizers and many other chemicals and then break it down into component parts such as HFCS, dextrose, maltodextrin and many other products, it's not a whole food anymore and not as healthy.

    That's what's been done with soy and truth is that those who eat the standard Western diet with meat are getting more soy via processed foods than people in most Asian countries and the animals consumed are eating even more.

    The main soy smearing is coming from the Weston A Price association and Mercola (who is out to sell you stuff) and they both advocate some odd stuff such as eating organ meats, sneaking those in to your family meals, and giving to your infants. Their data is based on a dentist's observations of skeletons in other countries but not science.

    For the information debunking the Price and Mercola myths check out these links:

    Further, most issues with thyroids (which regulate a lot of our hormones) come not from soy but from industrial chemical contamination (which is getting in a lot of our water and foods especially fish) and include perchlocate (rocket fuel and a fertilizer in some countries where we get produce) and PCBs (which were a Monsanto product they dumped all over and which are persistent and add up with exposure).

    Veg*ns tend to eat more whole and organic soy products which are very healthy and a nice addition to a healthy diet even if you aren't a veg*n. But, a diet can also be healthy without it if you don't care for it or are allergic. There are a lot of other healthy beans, nuts, seeds, etc., to take the place of soy products.

  6. I really like soy milk but I keep hearing that it's bad for you.  I recently switched to RAW grass fed cow's milk and it's really tasty!

  7. Yes. and it being "plant based" doesnt mean doo doo.  Tobacco is plant based but you still shouldnt smoke,

  8. I think anything could be bad for you "in the long run." Everything in moderation; as long as you don't drink 6 gallons a day, you'll be fine.

  9. No Way!  Soy is one of the healthiest foods you can eat.  Whether is is soybeans, soymilk, or other soy products like tofu.  It is especially healthy for women!  There have been a lot of articles on the internet about soy causing problems, and some studies have shown soy may cause issues like kidney stones in some people, but all of these claims are made based on having more than 4 servings of soy a day.  So just to be on the safe side - if you are concerned - don't drink more than 3 glasses of soy milk a day  (:

  10. Isoflavones from soy inhibit iodine absorption which can slow thyroid production. It only take 30 mg of isoflavones daily to produce this result which is equivalent to about 10 mg of soy protein.

    Also, soy will raise estrogen levels in the body, man or woman.

    Fermented soy, such as miso, and tempeh are vastly superior to conventional soy products like tofu, soy protein, and soy milk.

    If you do eat soy, eat only organic soy, non-organic soybeans are heavily sprayed with pesticides and almost always genetically engineered.

  11. no it is not.  It is plant based and contains no harmful chemicals or substances.  A lot of vegetarians and vegans swear by it.

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