
Is soy bad for you?

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If it is, how bad? and why?

Are they good for you? how good, or why not?





  1. Soy is great for you.  It's got the protein you need and it is low in fat.  Unlike meat it does not contain harmful chemicals and gross bony, bloody, grisly grubby gunk.

    I trust my soy to take care of me and so far so good.

    I drink soy milk and I eat faux meat that contains soy nearly everyday...Beside soy protein peanut butter is great.  I eat the pb with my lunch and I eat the soy protein with dinner.

  2. I know I get confused too about soy one moment its good for you unless you intake too much of it so its a head scratcher for me to

  3. (almost)Everything is good in moderation.  Soy has so many benefits-- "Benefits of soy include promoting heart health and healthy bones, preventing cancer and alleviating menopausal symptoms."  It's worth doing some research, and there are conflicting views, but I took a Complementary Heath Therapies class and the instructors were all about it.

  4. im veggie and use loads of soya products,soya is realy good for you cos its low fat,natural and lots of products like soy milk are fortified with extra vitimins like iron and vitamins C,B ect

  5. Generally it's good for you as a meatless source of protein.  I was a vegetarian, and got very sick on it, however, due to an undiagnosed (at that time) problem with my intestines (colitis).

  6. Google has 377,000 hits on "soy danger" and most of the top lists are from "green" websites or nutritional articles.

    You be the judge.
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