
Is soy bean milk better than normal (cow) milk?

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which one is better for the bones?




  1. Real milk is better.

  2. I think cow milk is better for you. Espeacially organic because they use so many hormones and stuff in non-organic. My aunt got Crones diesease and they think it might have been caused by soy milk. If you can't drink regular milk you should try rice milk, it tastes way better than soy!

  3. Both are equally good but if your allergic to cow milk then obvously soy is the better option, when I was younger I couldnt have cow milk and had to have so good (soy based milk) and it was pretty good, they have different flavours. Overall cows milk is better for bones but if you want to have soy milk just make sure you take calcium tablets to get the extra calcium, also maybe take vitamin d as well, vitamin d enables your body to absorb the calcium OR you can buy milks now that are enriched with vitamin d to help calcium absorbtion, just depends on which you prefer

  4. i recon cow milk is tastes better, it's good for ur bones.....while the soy milk IS low tastes discusting...

  5. There's actually a lot of debate going on about if milk is good for your bones or not.  The dairy industry claims it is, of course, and a lot of alternative food advocates say that it's not, pointing out that most other sources of calcium are easier for the human body to absorb, and that many milk-free societies have lower osteoperosis rates than does our milk-drinking society.  It is, however, fairly accepted that some 70% of adults worldwide are lactose intolerant--this is especially true of people of African descent, and less true of Scandinavians and Germans, who historically drank a good bit of milk.

    Dairy milk can cause acne, flatulence, and has been linked with diabetes.  Additionally, most milk commercially available today has a lot of additives, including hormones, and is not produced in humane ways.  There's a lot of publicity out there that says milk is good for you, most of which is produced by the dairy industry, but even Americans who aren't lactose intolerant drink way, way too much milk.  It's strong stuff, meant to help a baby cow double its body size quickly, and meant to be processed by something with more stomachs than people have.

    Soy milk has its own problems.  Although societies with high historic consumption of soy, including Japan, are known for their health, this is generally because they consume constant though relatively small amounts of minimally processed soy, in a varied diet.  Soy milk, on the other hand, is highly processed and basically too strong--soy milk contains estrogen-like compounds, which is mainly (I believe) a problem for women with hormonal problems (including breast cancer) and might actually prevent prostate cancer in men.  Soy may also work to take nutrients away from your body.

    So, assuming that you're a perfectly healthy individual, I would say: a little of both or either won't hurt you, but I wouldn't have more than a few servings a day at most.  A calcium/magnesium supplement might be beneficial, and that calcium-fortified orange juice is also supposed to be pretty good.

  6. Soy has Better nutritional value and less fat, once you get past the taste.

  7. soy milk has less fat and a better nutritional value, but cow's milk tastes way better

  8. Cow's milk!  Soy milk is terrible for you. And if you can, try to get unprocessed cow's milk. (straight from the cow!) there is nothing wrong with milk straight from the cow, in fact it is much richer and creamier, and still retains all the vitimins and nutrients that proccessed milk lacks.

  9. cow milk it better for bones

    soy milk tastes like playdoh

  10. i think soy milk is good for you...

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