
Is space more interesting because there is no humans there?

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many, maybe most, people want to live in peace. if everyone could do unto others as they want done to them, couldn't we have peace. i don't really believe in evolution, one reason i don't is that i'm blonde haired and blue eyed. wouldn't that make me a bit more evolved from a monkey than my husband if his hair was dark? (mostly i don't believe it because if i understand what jesus said, he placed a much higher view of humans) also didn't i read here about stars forming, were they something totally different before they were stars?




  1. Actually, if you read the Bible carefully, the only time Jesus makes a reference to the topic of putting value on life, it is birds that get the highest view.

    Don't forget that the Bible was written by humans (and translated, then adapted by other humans), many of them with their own messages to add.

    Also, more evolved does not mean superior.  The domestic cat evolved from a wild species of feline.  If humans were to disappear from the planet (or, let's say, cat food was to disappear), it is very possible that the wild feline would survive much better than the domestic cat.

    The domestic cat is more evolved (meaning more changed from the common ancestor), but not necessarily better.

  2. Your views on species are primitive and come from the lack of understanding of evolution, I urge you to read up on it so you fully understand the beautiful process. And Jesus said nothing about evolution, why could it not be god's tool for creating the world?

    I don't think people find space intriguing because there are no people. Not many people want to be hermits, and the urban jungle of human society is at least as intriguing as space to many. I guess it's the sense of adventure, as always - people want to know what's out there.

  3. Is it because we aren't there? maybe.. you see, Humans have this natural instinct you can look at it from no matter where in history you want to go, we look at what is around us and we go 'I wonder what is over the next hill?' or 'I wonder how that works?' ie we are a very very very Curious race, we want to know things we want to touch things and saddly we want to conquer things and call them ours.

    The urge to go to space is all of these things, it's something that draws from our most basic of instincts, to explore and to expand.. It's also honestly a really good idea that we DO want to go and find out what is out there.

    You may believe in god, the bible jesus etc, I respect that it is your choice, even if science has shown that the bible as it is written can not be true, I prefure to see that if anything the bible is a metaphore, but I also believe that if God was real and everything that is written then why doesn't he have the nerve to come knock on my door and say 'Hi I am god'.

    But no matter what you believe you have to live with your head in the sand not to realise the problems facing us as a race and us as a Civilization at the moment; we have reached a point where our planet, our home the place that has sheltered and feed us for so long is reaching a point it can no longer do that. Resources are becoming increasingly harder to find, population size is increasing at an alarming rate.. Unless we start looking to space and other planets and other places to colonise we are going to run out of resources.

    Also there is the term 'don't put all your eggs in one basket' as it stands right now our Race.. everything we are, everything we will be, all our knowledge, all our dreams, all our mistakes, flaws everything are here on this one lonely planet and all it would take is one rock from space, one virus that we can't cure, one button happy person.. and we vanish.. we die and everything we believe in everything we know etc dies with us.

    It doesn't matter if you believe in god or not that is Fact.. not fiction..

    By looking to space by wanting to Expand into space we start spreading our eggs into other baskets.. we start making certain that WE as a Race will survive no matter what happens to the world that gave us birth.

    Just as the nations of earth in the early years went off to make new nations in search of resources, lands and to make certain that they could survive.. we need to start searching on a larger scale for the same things.


  4. Space is interesting because of what we might learn going there.  In the longer run, places like Mars may be interesting because we might populate it.  That would give our species two places to live, which improves the odds of survival of the species by allowing the species to survive a disaster at one of the two places.  Perhaps a virus, asteroid strike, super volcano or something could take out one of the planets.

    Having blonde hair and blue eyes does not make you more highly evolved.  It might make you better adapted for living in Northern Europe.  But your husband might be better adapted for (say) Italy.  Evolution does not have a concept of "more evolved" exactly.  Being more different from chimps does not make you more evolved in any sense.  As the Sun gets hotter, darker skin and hair become an advantage. Darker skin allows you to avoid sun burn.  In the far North, lighter skin allows your body to made vitamin D more easily in the weak sun light.  It's a compromise, and after just a few generations, people change to reflect the best compromise for the local conditions.

    Stars form from free floating gas and dust.  For our Sun, at least some of this gas and dust came from previous stars that exploded, spitting the heavy elements that make up your body into the medium.  So most of the atoms in your body participated in such an explosion.

  5. Your argument against evolution is basically this:

    "Evolution didn't happen because jesus said so"

    Your argument falls into the logical fallacy of "appeal to authority" to validate it.

    What i believe is God did create humans, but he didn't make them appear out of nowhere. The first humans that were created were evolved apes that became self aware and intelligent. Doesn't this seem more likely than a bunch of dust floating into the air and magically morphing into flesh and bone particles, that came together to make a man called adam, then god couldn't do it again for some reason, so a rib burst out of adams chest and grew arms and legs and a brain and that was the first woman. Then the whole of the worlds population came from two people, despite the fact that most of the world has not got any genetic mutations that will be caused from the incest of adam and eves offspring.

    God is the cause of every event that happend because he is the only thing that can explain the singularity of the big bang. Therefore because humans are here today, God must be the cause of them, it doesn't matter if we were once animals, evolution doesn't state that humans are animals today.

    As for your other question about stars forming. If you look at the big bang, imagine aload of gas and dust floating around in space after a big explosion caused by god. The gas and dust gets attracted together by gravity, and collapses into itself to make it really dense, and it creates a star.

  6. man, gut ur facts right and stop thinking with that god d**n narrow view of the world u have!

  7. NO WAY

    no women? booooring!

  8. U are wrong !! if the Moslem's had a chance they would make slaves out of U ,and if that didn't work cut your head off...

  9. Among the artists and famous people who were opposed to the construction of the Eiffel Tower was the French author Guy de Maupassant.  He had lunch on the tower on a regular basis because he said that it was the one place in Paris that he could go where he didn't have to look at it.  


    If space is devoid of humans that's all the more reason to find it more interesting.


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