
Is <span title="post-modernism/post-structuralism">post-modernism/post-struc...</span> applicable outside of architecture?

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Is post-modernism/post-structuralism applicable outside of architecture? There must be more than one person with a view on the matter!




  1. Personally I think not. Modernism worked insofar as it marked a break with mediaeval thought, but now when any tin pot intellectual fancies a place in history, they proclaim a new era of thought (paradigms, ends of history...etc...).

    Postmodernism in the humanities doesn&#039;t even know how to define itself. And isn&#039;t it curious that the sciences never feel the need to call themselves postmodern? They just regard themselves as up to date.

    Postmodernism hides triteness behind a facade.

  2. maybe you are referring as philosophy? or social movement? or psychology? historical time period?

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