
Is speeding to rush a dying pet to the ER acceptable behavior?

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Here in my home town of San Marcos we have tongues wagging over the following news story-

Your views are welcome.




  1. Given that the couple were speeding,the cop was right to stop them.However,once he understood the situation,he should   have done all  he could to help out.Unfortunately,there is always a 'Little Hitler' who likes to show his authority.I hope he's fired'

  2. No, it's not acceptable.  Animals are NOT equal with humans.  To endanger human lives for an animal is NOT acceptable.

  3. If it was the cops pet - of course.

    Your pet or my pet - no way.

    Welcome to the police state.

  4. NO.He was right to pull them over.However after finding out the problem he should of escorted them at a safer speed,instead of holding them up.You know had this been a person someone would be held for murder I really don't see any difference.An emergency is just that.The cop was in the wrong and should serve some time for it,such as working at the dog pound,and anything else that may give him some perspective of the value of life even if they are only animal.

  5. I'd try to save my pet. The cop should be punished and sued.  

  6. I would certainly be in the "criminal class" on this one.

    The question is biased on the assumption that there was  recklessness  involved. I refuse to be with the sqwaking chorus

  7. Is it O.K. to cause the injury or death of a HUMAN in order to get a 'beloved pet' to the vet?

    In Most states in the US it is not only illegal to speed getting a pet to the vet, but it is also illegal to speed in a personal vehicle to get a HUMAN to the hospital. And police escort? If the officer or the trailing vehicle become involved in a traffic collision during the 'escort' the Officer is usually held liable.

    As we use to tell folks we stopped for just such offenses, "If you don't arrive at the hospital you can't get treatment. SLOW DOWN."

  8. They have special emergency clinics for animals.

  9. Have you watched the dash cam video of his driving? In the state I live in he would have gone to jail. Excuse me but there is no animal alive that is worth endangering countless human lives

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