
Is sperm analysis necessary if we have fallen preggers twice but miscarried both pregnancies?

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Is sperm analysis necessary if we have fallen preggers twice but miscarried both pregnancies?




  1. Hi, I don't think so. I think the sperm is good and the fact that you did get pregnant you are fine also. Some women take longer to carry a pregnancy full term. Maybe it is some DNA issue (that's what my friend was told after miscarriage). But just the fact that you got pregnant is a good sign. I hope next time you'll carry full term and you'll get to see a sweet baby! Good luck!!!

  2. it could be.  a sperm analysis is more then just count and motility.  they also check whether the sperm is deformed which could lead to abnormalities that cause you to misscarry.  I have also heard the pH has some effect that cna cause you to misscarry as well.  if the doctor recommends it then I would have it done.  if not then you may be able to skip it.

  3. If you want to you can ask for it to be done - because the sperm may have a deformity or chromosomal problem which means the embryo is not developing properly.

    Also check the womans progesterone levels - essential for implantation of the embryo - low levels may require a supplement until 12 -14 weeks.


    Remember though plenty of women miscarry a couple of times then go on to have normal pregnancies - it depends how often you are prepared to try before you ask for some answers.

    Do what you feel is right for you.

    Best of luck.

  4. umm no...The sperms job is to fertalize the egg.. if you fell pregnant twice then there was obviously nothing wrong with his sperm.. having 2 m/c could just be a coincedence but more than likely there is something wrong with you if you can't hold a pregnancy, get yourself tested.

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