
Is spirituality what a individual believes in?

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I have searched all over the internet and seen all the definitions, but fail to understand them. I had a dream about a building and according to dream analyzer the main floor represents my current life, and top floor represent my spirituality. There was chocolate on the top floor. So I was wondering is spirituality basically what a person believes in or is it your spirit guide trying to speak to you.




  1. I feel spirituality is about how you practice what you believe in.

    And yes - spirit guides are thought to be good, except of course by some Christians who feel they are the devil.

    In general: test what your spirit guide teaches you, because ultimately you are responsible to live your life. Your guide can at most give directions. Sometimes those directions may not be the best for you.  

  2. Part of spirituality is what you believe in IF that belief turns into thoughts then actions.  WHAT? Spirit guide? I think the term "spirituality" conotates good vs evil, in my belief system, spirit guide is a negative or evil presence.  Please be careful, keep searching for God, you will find Him.

  3. The spirit realm is the unseen realm of both positive and negative entities.  Your interaction with that realm is your Spirituality. Everything that is, has a core base DNA that is Source (or God) because everything that is, originated from the ultimate designer.  In this physical realm God designed opposing forces that we commonly call "good" or "bad".  In the spirit realm God designed opposing forces that we call "positive (love)' or "negative (deception)".  These opposing forces display the creativity of Source.  This contrast of goals among these realms is referred to as "Duality" which can apply to any and all realms.  Remember, everything is a part of Source but Source is none of this.

    Hope this helps.

    Bill   .  .  .       journey_of_a_soul


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