
Is sprint mobile to mobile free if I travel to Mexico with a shared plan?

by Guest56693  |  earlier

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I have a shared plan with sprint wich is free mobile to mobile inside the continental USA. I have to travel to mexico and I need to comunicate with family and work daily, anybody can tell me if it works the same way or international rates aply?. one device will be in mexican territory two in US. tank you




  1. you won't have charges from sprint, but you will have charges since you are using the mexican phone lines...the charges will show up on your account as per minute's usually not too expensive, but you need to call sprint and tell them you're going to be calling internationally so they can add the international plan on to your account...this doesn't cost anything, it's just something they need to add on the computer...and they can also tell you how much per minute it is to call international

    hope this helps!

  2. First of all Sprint very limited coverage thur its partner in Mexico.  You can find a coverage map on the sprint web site.  

    Also you need to be sure that you are using a roaming capable phone.

    To access data service while roaming internationally:

        *   Call 888-226-7212 and select option 2 to speak with a Customer Care representative and to activate international data roaming service for your phone.

        *   Ensure you are using a data roaming-capable phone.

        *   Verify you are roaming on a carrier network that supports international data roaming.

    In addition the air time will be deducted from your plan but you will have to pay a roaming fee for both incoming and out going calls as well as data.  

    Voice Pricing: $1.49/minute

    Data Pricing: $0.002/kb

    For International Roaming service call sprint at 1-888-226-7212 while in the US or +1-817-698-4199 while traveling outside of the US.

  3. The least expensive and (by far) most reliable way to call the US from Mexico is to use a phone from Mexitel Cellular. Calls to the US from Mexico using a Mexitel phone costs $1 per call. (Sprint will cost you at least $1 per minute and does not work in much of Mexico)

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