
Is stephene meyer going rewrite new moon in edwards point of view???

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Is stephene meyer going rewrite new moon in edwards point of view???




  1. I don't think so, or at least, I've not heard anything about it. It may be just Midnight Sun that is released. She'll probably write The Host sequals before another re-write.

    Depending on how much cash she makes off of Midnight Sun will probably determine whether or not she continues the publishing of re-writes. We'll have to wait and see.

    (Is this question urgent enough to deserve three question marks? No.)

  2. Unfortunately, no, she's not. She is only doing Twilight because writing New Moon would be too excruciatingly painful.

    However she is thinking about maybe coming back to the Cullen's in a few years possibly continuing the story from some other characters perspectives.

    Hope that helps!! :]

  3. She says that she may, but she wants to focus on a possible new series or maybe a sequel to the host.

  4. Guess What?  It turns out that she is!  AND, she has said what Edward really did that whole time he was away from Bella.  He spent all his free time typing his question into the search bar on Yahoo Answers so he could research his queries instead of asking the same question that 3829274 other people had already asked.

    The search bar is there for a reason.  Use it.

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