
Is stephenie meyer is mormon why is she writing the things in the book?

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i personally love stephenie meyer, but i was just confused at the fact that mormons are supposed to follow the rules like no drinking caffiene and no making out and stuff, but why would all of the breaking rules be in the book? you know what i mean?does that mean she isnt mormon? i am confused. like in twilight she drank coke and she made out with edward and jacob and all that! so i dont know!

and another thing to is mormon the same thing as christian?




  1. Stephanie was Mormon, Bella is not. Bella is basically what Stephanie wanted to be when she was younger, not who she actually was.

    There is a lot of mormon tendencies in the book though, such as having the big strong man(edward) be in charge and always taking care of the wife(bella), and the wife always dutifully listening to her husband

  2. "and another thing to is mormon the same thing as christian?"

    -- That depends on your perspective. Mormons believe in Jesus Christ; we believe he is the Savior and the Son of God. We believe in the Bible, we believe Jesus was resurrected, we believe he'll come again, all that fun stuff. We, however, do not believe in the Trinity. We believe Christ and God are two separate beings. For that reason, many people have said we "aren't Christian". Personally I believe that anyone who thinks Jesus is the son of God counts as Christian. In my mind, Mormons are Christian. They are just a bit different than your typical Christians (Mormons have a different theology on some things). So yeah. Mormons believe in Jesus; we just have a different perspective on the nature of Christ.

    There aren't "rules" to being Mormon. We are just encouraged to do, or not to do, certain things. For instance, we don't believe in premarital s*x, swearing, drinking coffee, doing drugs, shopping on Sundays, drinking alcohol, watching rated R movies, wearing immodest clothing (including bakinis), etc. There are certain things that we see as sins against God himself-- premarital s*x, children out of wedlock, murder, cheating on spouses, etc. You can get in trouble for doing those kinds of things, as you would in most other Christian churches. Other things-- drinking caffeine, swearing, watching R movies, immodest clothing, etc-- aren't as big of a deal, although we are still encouraged not to do them. We aren't *forced* into following those things that aren't as big of a deal; we have the choice. That is why I say they aren't exactly "rules". They are more like... guidelines, if that makes sense. Anywhoo. I'm Mormon, but I still wear tank tops, I swear a lot (bad habit, I know), I wear bakinis, and Sweeney Todd is my favorite movie (it's rated R). Other Mormons are a lot more strict than I am-- some of them go so far that they don't drink any caffeine, won't say the words "suck" or "c**p", won't watch PG13 OR R movies, won't read Harry Potter because it's "of the devil", won't do anything except read the scriptures on Sundays, etc. Those kinds of Mormons-- the ones who are EXTREMELY strict-- are usually referred to as "Molly Mormons". Most Mormons aren't that strict, though (and from the interviews I've read, Smeyer isn't that strict). For the most part, we are just normal people who try to live a certain lifestyle with certain morals.

    As for Coke-- Some Mormons drink Coke, and others don't. It all just depends on the person. Stephenie Meyer is apparently one of the Mormons who has no issues with Coke (as am I).

    As for making out-- we are told not to have the wild, passionate, groping, lying-on-top-of-each-other makeout sessions. But we're still normal human beings-- we still make out with people and we still kiss people. Most of us just don't go quite as far as a lot of people do.

  3. Well her being Mormon goes as far as Edward and Bella not having pre-marital s*x... I do not think making out and drinking caffeine is so much of a big deal in Mormonism. It's just that they respect their parents because they believe their parents are as important as God, as we see the characters all respect their parents.

    I'm not Mormon, but have read some stuff about them, but I am a Catholic and no, being a Mormon is not the same thing as being a Christian because, although we believe in some of the same things, there are also many differences, like how they do not believe in the trinity (Jesus, Holy Spirit and God the Father are one and the same) and stuff like that. But I respect the beliefs of Mormons anyway. ;)

  4. It's basically like Why So Serious [Epiphany] said, but ignore their Harry Potter comment. Mormons who think Harry Potter is from the devil are such a small minority that they aren't even worth mentioning. I'm one of the stricter Mormons, and believe me, I love Harry Potter.

    Yes, we are Christian. We believe in Christ.

  5. maybe it was a way of channeling all that supressed sexual tension from her teenage years, who knows. and i think mormon is a branch of christianity but im not really sure. check wikipedia.

  6. C'mon, Bella's a teenager and it was never said that she was a Mormon having to follow any specific rules. I thought that SM's clean writing reflected her faith and morals, which was very refreshing to read about teens that actually valued and considered their virtue and integrity. Many readers have actually pointed out how SM was constantly leaving the reader hanging with just vague descriptions of the romance between Bella and Edward. Call me old fashioned, but I found their love scenes to be very sensual without being crass or embarassing! The scene in the meadow in Twilight was the absolute best.

  7. Um..I'm a mormon and I go to church every sunday.

    And I have made out before with a boy (there are no rules to that, we just don't believe about having s*x before marriage.) and I'm addicted to Mt. Dew.

    I'll admitt I have never watched, as a matter of fact, I'm not allowed to watch R rated movies. But Disturbia staring Shia Labeouf if rated PG 13 and thats my favorite movie. I do swear somewhat which is bad but not the real bad cuss words just like the s-word and d**n. Sometimes I wear tank tops. I admitt that i have two bathing suits. Bikini when i got out with non church friends. And full bathing suits when I'm on church activites. I listen to Alternative Music (Cute Is What We Aim For & Boys like Girls are my favorite bands.)

    So that should tell you, I'm pretty much a normal teenager and I'm a mormon.

    We don't have rules like NO CAFFEINE!

    We just think that drinking coffee and tea and soda isn't good for your health.

    There more like guidelines like the person said above me.

    Also, I believe thats there is a God and Jesus Christ.

    So yes, Mormon is the same thing as a christian.

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is the true name of the church.

    So that's pretty plain speak that we are a Christian.

    I don't get why people think mormons are so strict.

    Some are but not all. But we are just normal people and we do normal things.

    But we just have morals for ourselfs.

  8. Ok, first off, the people in her book are not Mormon so they do not obey the Mormon Religion. When you say she drank coke, and made out, she did not do it her characters did. Mormons do drink caffeine, even though it is not recommended. And you can kiss other boys/girls if you are a Mormon.

    To your 2nd question, Christians are people who believe in Christ and Mormons do. In fact the official name of the Mormon church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    Hope that makes it less confusing.

  9. I don't read Stephanie Meyer so I don' t know what she writes.

    As for being a Mormon we don't smoke, drink strong or hot drinks

    namely alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea. We can drink sodas caffeine or not. As for making out? We have a higher birth rate than most of the population in the USA how? By making out while being married not just for life but for time and all eternity, and yes we are christians.

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