
Is street legal installations enough EXPERIENCE to answer ques.?

by  |  earlier

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i know no-body's perfect an WE ARE ALL STUDENTS & STILL LEARNING, but at least some EXPERIENCE IS BETTER THAN NONE, and some of NEVER went to school or worked in audio so we're here trying to help & give what we know,,,some of it aint correct some is and that depends on the info. & the person that uses it right?,,,




  1. Has someone been attacking your answers because you're not certified?

    If you know the answer to a question, go ahead and answer it.  If I see a good answer, I'll give it a thumbs-up regardless of whether it came from a "pro" or an amateur.

    The trap that SOME of the hobbyists fall into is this:  they think that their experience is relevant to all cars.  They install stuff into a couple of friends' cars, it's pretty easy, so they assume that every car is easy, or that every car can be wired the same way.

    Just keep an open mind, be ready to learn new things, research your answers, and don't answer unless you're sure you know.    

  2. I went to college to learn auto technician. I learn the most from people who did not but have done it all there lives. So answer away.

  3. I believe that if you've installed systems and know what you're doing then its fine to answer questions. I've never worked in an audio shop or done this stuff for a living, but I know a whole h**l of a lot more than the average person looking for help. I think that if you are positive you are answering the question correctly, giving the best advice you can, then its fine to answer questions.

    I'm sure some guys who have never worked in a shop are even better than those who have. For instance, I've installed over 20 systems from the ground up and I'm sure that I have more experience than a lot of people.

    If someone answers a question incorrectly, and the topic is already closed, I would go ahead and send an email to the starter letting them know. If it is alreay open, I would flat out say that they are wrong (like I've done before) and tell them the right answer.


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