
Is stress and depression caused by outside effects or does it stem from within?

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thanks in advance, for bothering to answer this ^^




  1. Stress and Depression stem from both internal and external forces.

    For example, an internal stressor would be perhaps a personality predisposition; the type that likes to do to many things at once. An external stressor would be  harmful chemicals putting stress on the body functions, like gases preventing clean air to enter the body which makes it hard to function.

    For depression, an internal contributer would depend on your race, and s*x. It can also be a characteristic inherited from your family. An external force from depression would be when a family member or loved one dies and it causes you to slip into depression.  

  2. First, it is caused by the outside factors but if you will let yourself be eaten up by those depressing factors, it will be rooted from within.

  3. That is like the old question, what came first the chicken or the egg. You can develop depression due to circumstances, you can also create bad circumstances from being depressed. Either way it messes up your brain chems and the treatment is the same for long term situational depression as it is for major depressive disorder. The first kind has a lot more to do with circumstances, the second one has more to do with genetics. Both are really set off by stress, diet, poor sleep habits, personal tragedy, rapid life changes and substance use or abuse. Both generally respond well to antidepressants and both respond even better combined with a good therapist and healthy lifestyle changes... including feeding your spirit by having faith in something bigger than yourself and your depression..

  4. A little of both. Can even be from what you eat sometimes.

  5. There is always bad news and terrible things in the world, so the causes for stress and depression are constantly here.  It is how you take it and deal or not that causes YOU problems.  You don't have to cling to what is bad.  You can make a choice to find what is good and make the best of it.

  6. It's all about learning to control your reaction to external stimuli. Deal with it by desensitizing yourself to situations that cause you the most stress. How do you do that? It happens naturally when you get sick and tired of reliving the same stressful situation(s).

  7. it s part of the relationship between inside and outside that goes haywire.

    Psychiatrists will spit depression into serious and major that appears to have no cause and temporary depression that has a cause like grieving a death. However many psychiatrists themselves and service users and psychologists would dispute this as 'old' thinking and just a way to gatekeep resources. I see my own depression as fear based, largely due to childhood experiences and kept alive because of the non understanding  from outside - especially by professionals.    

  8. Both It enters from the outer actions and find rest within,,,Evict it from within with Prayer and let not the outer frustrations re-enter.....Go the that quite place Meditate/Pray........Blessings Yahoo

  9. It comes from within. And the solution to the problem is within you as well.

    Here is the cure: "Know Thyself." Socrates said it. will explain it in western terms.

    It's an age old formula of increasing the light to remove the darkness. I can vouch for the above since I had a severe problem with anxiety and depression for a long period of time... and with the above was able to overcome the problem in a short period of time.

    Another alternative is to get into Yoga. That is popular these days because those practices overcome both the problems of body and mind that have been blocked and show symptoms like you are describing.

    You can overcome that problem. Learn how to increase the light and it will simply vanish. You can email me if you need more specifics.

    And it was not a bother at all. It was a joy to have a chance to respond to your question.

  10. My mother has MDD or Major Depression Disorder.

    It stems both from the outside and inside.

    Depression from grief and loss or going through a hard time, is much different than being clinically depressed.

    Although if you are clinically depressed you cannot help feeling depressed all the time regardless of how you want to feel, and have hardships thrust upon you it can intensify the depression and make it impossible to bear.

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