
Is a secure website?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i am surfing the net to buy my husband tickets to one of the nfl games as a gift. i am a little scared and confused with all the webbsites that are online, I found tickets on stubhub that I like, but i do not no anything about this site if it is for real or a scam. Where is the best place to go? and..where is it safe to go? please help me




  1. no it's not a scam website,

    BUT you have to consider who your selling from.. stubhub does its best to make it secure but any seller from any site even ebay can s***w you.

    i bought piston basketball tickets off their once and we had some complications but they were easily fixed because the seller had up wrong information but it was fixed within 24 hours :)

  2. Its a pretty straight website.  The tickets just cost an *** load. About 4 times market value

  3. Yes, StubHub is a national reseller of tickets.  When you go to pay, u should see a padlock sign show up near the top of ur IE screen.

    Anybody that listens to sports radio knows StubHub, it's OK to use, good find.

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