
Is studying abroad a good descion?

by Guest56570  |  earlier

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i might go to a boarding school in london..but i dont know if i should it a good idea? give me the positives and negatives!




  1. Um, try going to a public school since then you'd have to live with a family and get more experience with the real London culture.

  2. i think studying abroad is an excellent decision but going to a boarding school might be a bummer, in most boarding schools they never let you leave the campus! it might be better to go to private day school and leave with a host family, then you would have freedom and could experience London.

  3. no

  4. If you are going to come and study in London it would be a waste to go to a boarding school. As an alternative why not just attend a good private girls school and experience London better.


  6. Studying abroad, in my opinion is an excellent decision.


    - You get exposed to different cultures, which enables you to better appreciate the way other people live and to empathize with them. When you learn to see the world from somebody else's point of view, you become a better 'global citizen.'

    - You're forced to be independent, and once you adapt to it, it will give you confidence that will carry over into other parts of your life.

    - In general, you will be gain experiences that wouldn't be possible in your hometown.

    - You branch out, meet new people, and make  connections that sometimes last a lifetime. At the very least, the people you meet will leave some sort of lasting impression on you.

    - You generally come out of it a wiser, and more worldly than you were.


    - It can be hard to adapt (meybe not so much for London).

    - You probably won't have any sort of social support system immediately set up when you get there, so it'll be hard for a little bit to not know anybody. It might be a bit lonely at first, but it'll be worth it to stick it out and make new friends all on your own.

    - Your family (I'm guessing) won't be there for you if things get a bit rough, but with technology being what it is today, it's not like you'll be completely cut off.

    I really hope you decide to take this opportunity to travel. I've had some really great (and some not-so great) experiences from travelling and studying abroad, and I've come out a better person for it.

    Good luck!

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