
Is styrofoam more wasteful than using dishes?

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This is for a school project, and i would love to have as many opinions as soon as possible. i need to know whether you think styrofoam, as an eating dish, is more wasteful than using real dishes to eat off of. I know that styrofoam takes up lots of landfill space and doesn't break down very easily, while when you must wash dishes it uses precious water. What do you think?




  1. I'd say yes.  The water you use can be cleaned and reused.  The styrofoam will just sit in the landfill and take up space.

  2. it's way more wasteful. dishes can easily be cleaned and reused eith ilitle water and soap, even though the electricity is quite hefty for the dishwasher. styrofoam literally takes millions of years to decompose and will even then take up space because it will be dirt in a pile of garbage.

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