
Is success really the best revenge if they'll take credit for your success?

by Guest21330  |  earlier

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a few people said that success is the best revenge. But what if the jerks in my life take credit for my success? How do you deal with that?!




  1. Don't put yourself in a situation to allow others to take credit for your successes. Protect yourself by providing proof that you were the one working on said successful endeavor

  2. dont let fear of them taking credit for you being succesful hold you back from actually being succesful

    parents are there to test you i suppose =/


  3. Yes! It is. Revenge in itself only gives power to the other person and holds you "hostage". Your question made me laugh, because I thought of the most public, well known example of that happening .

        If the success is yours , believe me everyone WILL know it.

    A senator by the name of Harry Reid used erroneous statements against a famous radio program host named Rush Limbaugh , in order to slander him. Then to add insult to injury, senator Reid put it in writing and sent it to Mr. Limbaugh's boss. Truth held over false slander , and Reid's letter was put up for auction - for charity - by Rush Limbaugh , who matched the donation by millions . Senator Reid refused to contribute to the fund for widows & children; and in the end , tried to take credit for the money that was raised . Of course Sen, Reid looked like an incompetant  nincompoop ; and Rush Limbaugh did succeed . Let it roll off your shoulders and live your life the best way you know how. You can't take responsibility for a nincompoop.

  4. This is just an old saying to make losers feel better.  The jerks will always win.

  5. Seeking revenge is as juvenile and immature as focusing on success.  Concentrate on your actions not the results of your actions; live in the moment.

  6. When your parents themselves couldn't find love, as evident from their divorce, how can they shower on you something that they don't have. You talk that you don't want to extract revenge and at the same time you talk of doing something. Decide yourself, if you have soft corner for your parents, ignore the past and teach them what love means. Hope as they grow old they will feel for what they have done for you.

    Or if you have hatred for them, strike with all your might. Don,t be like a cat on a wall. Do whatever you want that will vent your suppressed feelings and make you calm.

    Life is strange. Sometimes it operates in mysteries ways. Ants build ant hill, but snakes inhabit it. Bees make honey man steals it. Soldiers fight the war and shed their blood but king gets the fame.

  7. If it matters to you, then you are still allowing yourself to be victimized. The key here, is to not care one whit either way.

    Whether you succeed or not matters only to you in the long run, because only you can determine what true success for yourself means.

    In the final analysis, no one can "take" credit. It is only given.

  8. They can give themselves all the credit they want,

    ... but they can't take away the success. - That's yours.

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