
Is suffed animals considered childish for 12 year old girl?

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I am a 12 year old girl and i am a avid fan of stuffed animals.But when i ask my mum for money to buy stuffed animals,she says that i have outgrown this true?if i have outgrown them?then why do i still like them?While i am waiting for my friends to give me some,i am racking my brains on how do i convince my mother why stuffed animals are not childish(i konw this souds childish)but help!




  1. What's wrong with it? I'm 19 and I still go to Build-A-Bear.

    I sleep with my stuffed animals and dress them up. =)

    Tell your mom "Would you rather me have and take care of a baby right now? Having a baby is a more "matured" thing to do than play with childish stuffed animals. Or do u want to give me money and let me play with my stuffed animals?"

    Babies or stuffed animals, choose. <----see what she says now. I bet she'll give u money to buy some. =)

    Good Luck.

  2. Definitely not!!

    I still loved stuffed animals when I was in Middle School, and to be honest, I still do!

    It sounds like you collect stuffed animals.

    Everyone has their own thing that fills them with joy.

    I know older women that still collect Barbie dolls. Maybe they don't find the same joy they did in playing with them when they were children, but it's still a part of their life.

    You haven't outgrown stuffed animals simply because someone has told you so. Only you will know when you have outgrown them.

    I think that as long as you are not carrying your stuffed animals everywhere with you, you should still have the right to like them and keep them.

    And boyfriends give their girlfriends stuffed animals, even when they are a lot older than 12....

    What does that say about liking stuffed animals? =)

    Let your mom know that she is right in observing that you are becoming older and more mature, but that stuffed animals don't make you any more a child.

    Good luck with your mom. =)

  3. It seems you haven't ourgrown them but your mam thinks you should have by now.

    I'd say it's fine to collect them, but i wouldn be expecting someone of your age to be playing with toys anymore, like in a teddy bear tea party etc...

    I've still got loads of mine in the loft.

  4. Find somthign that your mom collects that is outragous to show her that this isn't a bad thign to collect

  5. I would say, "I love stuffed animals! They're as important as you think your phone is!" I'm a big fan of stuffed animals and always will be! You are totally not outgrowing them!

  6. u should just be happy i still have 1 i'll never get rid of =)

  7. I am like a few months away from being 12 years old and i have shelves of them!!You are only 12 so why shouldn't u be able to have a toy you enjoy??!! My mom is so grateful that i am asking money for stuffed animals and webkinz instead of money for makeup!!My little brother who is now 10 still has his build-a-bear that he made when he was 4!!He now enjoys video games but he still sleeps with it! I love stuffed animals because my mom won't let me get any more real pets so if i have stuffed animals it's like almost having those pets that you want!! Good luck!!!

  8. i know full grown women that like stuffed animals, there are 40 year old guys who still play video games so i do not think it is a big deal.

  9. no it's not true

    if mr.bean can use teddy then why not you

  10. I don't think you have outgrown stuffed animals nor anybody of any age for that manner because it is good to hold on to some childhood things. Everybody has certain things from their childhood that makes them who they are like for example my love of shows and games from when I was younger is a big part of who I am. I believe it is similar to how a person keeps old love letters to remember what it was like before they got married or to reminisce about a past love.

  11. are not to old.  You may always like them...or eventually you will find something else that interests you.. . your mom should be happy your not buying ciggarettes

  12. I'm 13 and I think that they are perfectly fine! I still get one in my stocky at Christmas. I have a TON of stuffed animals and so do all of my friends!!! If you like them you can't help that. You should try getting a Webkinz. You probably live in London or in England somewhere( noticed the mum) but they only sell them here in U.S.A. If you don't know what they are, they are stuffed animals that come with a code. You get on , type in your code, and you get a virtual pet to take care of! You can get almost any pet you want! I have 2 pigs, a bunny, a panda, a chocolate lab, a clysdale horse,a raccoon, a penguin, a Kangaroo, a elephant, and a mouse. you can get on their website and look at their catalog.

  13. I had the same problem just a few days ago.

    Well, It wasn't about Stuffed Animals, but Action Figures.

    Ben 10 Action Figures to be exact.

    So, my mom and I go to Target, and while strolling through the Toys section, I see some Ben 10 Action Figures that I really wanna buy. Im 13 by the way. So, I take the Figure from the section, and take it to my mom. She starts making a fuss about how I was too old for Figures, even thought collecting them meant A LOT to me, since it is one of my few hobbies. I go home later that day, and I just have a talk with my mom how collecting them meant something to me. Then, I asked her, if she was my mom, wouldn't she help me pursue my goals and hobbies? Also, your mom wouldn't say your too childish if she really wanted to help you achieve what you want and what amuses you.

    A 12 year old girl still playing with stuffed dolls is nothing.

    I'm a 13 year old boy, who plays with his action figures while taking a bath. My mom used to make fun of me, till I told her it helped me relax.

  14. People collect different things at all ages.

    My sister is 51 and collects stuffed animals.

    Maybe there is a way for you to earn money to buy your own?  Like baby sitting?

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