
Is sugar-free gum bad for your teeth?

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Is sugar-free gum bad for your teeth?




  1. No, chew as much as you want

  2. It's actually better!

    please help me...

  3. no, they even have gum to prevent cavities now. and to whiten teeth, but it is bad for dogs

  4. no!

  5. Chewing sugar-less gum as a quick fix after a meal is fine. However, it should never replace brushing and flossing your teeth. Excessive gum chewing can cause tooth grinding and Temporomendibular joint disorder (TJM). TJM is a dislocation of the jaw at the hinge joint and is painful and difficult to treat.

    EDIT: It also contains aspartame. There is a lot of controversy about this sweetener. I know a number of people who get migraine headaches from aspartame.

  6. It shouldn't be, dentists recommend it for people with braces because they cannot have gum with sugar

  7. it's better..that's pretty self explanatory.  

  8. not for your teeth, but it gives you wrinkles round you mouth, a saggy jawline and takes the plumpness out of your lips...

  9. no i have to chew suar fregum becaz my dentist said no sugar gum

  10. No.  It's actually pretty good for your teeth especially after eating.  You make more saliva while chewing therefore rinsing away any debris.

  11. all gum is, but it's not that bad, it's better than some

  12. Why would it be bad for your teeth? Well, I guess if you really want to be safe you should buy the gum that says it is approved by the American Dental Association.

  13. It's bad for you period.  

  14. sugar free gum is wonderful if you chew gum. there is even brand now approved by the ADA(american dental association.) it whitens teeth, builds stronger enamell, and freshens breath. look for the ADA logo in the corner of gum wrappers!!!!!!

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