
Is suicide selfish for me?

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i just cant take my life anymore, I'm 22, live with my mom, have a unreliable job, girlfriend was verbally abusive until we broke up a week ago, shy, don't have a g.e.d., no collage, no drivers license, very few friends.. no one i feel like i can talk to about stuff. all i have is my 9mm with a short 4.5 pound trigger pull but i cant just do it cause i don't want to hurt my family or friends i do have.. what do i do?




  1. You need to tell your doctor that you're having these feelings.

    I don't think suicide is selfish, because I understand it. It might seem selfish to other people - but when someone is having suicidal thoughts, they see it as their only option. While it can be said it is selfish, that isn't the depressed person's fault. But suicide definitely isn't the best option.

    I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. My girlfriend has depression and I can only imagine how she feels most of the time. You really need to talk to somebody, it's a whole lot easier to handle when you're on medication/receiving therapy.

    Good luck.

  2. Get help right away. It's not you, you probably need medications. PLEASE tell your mom or someone that you trust.  Just imagine how lonely she'll be and hurt to lose you. I'm sure she loves you dearly. If I ever lost my son it would tear me apart. Things can definitely get better for you, but meanwhile you need GUIDANCE. Someone who  can help you emotionally. There is always a solution to problems. Suicide is very selfish and a cowardly way to end your short life. There's so many great things you can do with your life. It would be a shame and hurtful to your mom. Get help.

    Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

    Life is beauty, admire it.

    Life is a bliss, enjoy it.

    Life is a dream, realize it.

    Life is a challenge, defeat it.

    Life is a duty, complete it.

    Life is a game, play it.

    Life is a promise, fulfill it.

    Life is sorrow, overcome it.

    Life is a song, sing it.

    Life is a struggle, battle it.

    Life is a tragedy, survive it.

    Life is an adventure, dare it.

    Life is not luck, make it happen.

    Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

    Life is life, fight for it

  3. These are all things you can change and suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary glum situation! You CAN get your GED and go to college (I did about 6 years after I dropped out and it was easier than I thought) and living with family makes it easier so you have little to no expenses if you do go to school (you can get free school money/student loans at and scholarships at, you can get your drivers license, you can make friends in college, and school will get you a good, stable job. Make a list of things you want to accomplish and DO them. I know where you are coming from. Community colleges have VERY flexible schedules so it will be easier to work and go to school if you need to. Talk to your local CC counselor and they will help you plan school into your lifestyle. Make sure you research  careers you are interested in with salary and job outlook (so you don't go to school for not much more than you are making).

    But first and foremost, get some help to help manage your destructive feelings. When I did, it improved my social, love and educational life BIG time. Don't give up. You are too young to give up!! Good luck!!

  4. don't!

    your family does love you even if you might feel like they don't show it same as your friends...ill pray for you too :)

    god bless you

  5. see your doctor and tell them all of this and see what help they can offer you, and they WILL help

  6. omfg! do NOT commit suicidee. :] please! if u ever feel really bad, then do something fun, like kneeboarding, or maybe parasailing, somthing really spontaneous. it will make u feel soo much better, and it will make u feel like u have a reason to live; which u do have. :] good luck, and feel better!  

  7. it's not about being selfish, it's about throwing away the rest of your life that you can make better. i've been through the same stuff, and if you commit suicide, you will NEVER again be happy; you'll just be dead. and your family will miss you a lot... if you live your entire life, things will get better sooner or later. if you kill yourself, well... you're dead, and that's it.

  8. dont do it! thats not why god sent us to this earth!  why would you want to do that! i have a friend that tried to kill herself last year and i walked in on her while she was doing it and it saved her life. just think of all the things you would be leaving behind. the friends you do have, your mom! what do you think she would do if she came home one day to never see you again. you need to stay here to take control of your life. if you dont like not having friends, go and make new ones. if you dont like not having your g.e.d., go and get it!

    help with mine?;...

  9. You will probably find Im the only person on this site who will answeryou like this because I am always suicidal. Ur very young but on the other hand that makes an awfully long time of u being miserable because youre putting others first.

  10. Please read this:

    Hugs and a wish for a brighter tomorrow...

  11. You can get your G.E.D anytime you want. Just do it man! I am almost in the same situation as you just that I moved to germany and someone broke into my house and stole everything...all my documents and my drivers license that I made in the US. Life is what you make of it and yes suicide is very selfish

  12. please go to the doctor and get some medication for depression

  13. you have family you have friends

    go out there and learn how to drive

    enroll in drivers ed

    its a step

    suicide is not the answer

  14. Stop being a ***** and get your GED, go to your local community college and get 15 college credits and join the military. There whip you up into to shape and turn you into a man. Many jobs to choose from and places to see that many don't have the opportunity to do so. Trust me. Just find a job that interests you, not what the recruiter tells you and make it happen. You'll make plenty of friends in the military.

  15. You will hurt everyone around you. You can change the things you are depressed about: you can get a license , you can get your ged and then find a better job, even go to night classes to get your associate if you want. If you did all three of those things it would take you 2 years (less if you don't get your associate degree). You can turn your whole life around if you face it head on, and just do it! First step, get your ged: go make the plans now to take the test. Then, make plans and sign up for driver's ed, or whatever you need to do to get your license.  

  16. it could be worse

    but yes, you shouldn't do it

    You should start learning to drive and start working to get a GED.

  17. Don't do it! Life changes all the time and I promise you, you have good times ahead. This would devastate your family.

  18. i think you shouldn't thing will turn around but only if you make the first move. like maybe trying to get your license. get out there and win one for you  

  19. Take a deep breath. Look at the people u will hurt . IS IT REALLY WHAT U WANT ? A life style change yes DEATH is to permanent.

    When u r old these troubles will seam trivial.Live long and prosper !!

  20. dont do it!

    ik life gets hard sumtimes and u mite feel lik u hav nothing left 2 live for, but youll regret it

    trust me...

  21. It's up to you whether you choose to live or kill yourself. If you choose to live and you want to make the most of your life it's up to you to put in the effort. Why not hit the books and get your G.E.D.? If you don't know what to do with your life after that go to community college (part-time?) and get the basic requirements out of the way. What are your interests, hobbies, talents, skills? Take courses that will give you the degrees to land a career that suits you. If you don't like your job, put in applications doing something you wouldn't mind doing until you can find something better, but keep this job until you land another one. Even if you don't get along with your mom try to make the most of living with her. It's a heck of a lot cheaper than living on your own! Unless she charges a crazy amount of rent. You're better off without the verbally-abusive girlfriend. She was just dragging you down more. I know, not what you want to hear. You need to surround yourself with people who lift your spirits. College might be good for you on a social level. You can join clubs that interest you and find people with similar interests that you can hang out with. It will take positive self talk, the ability to conquer fear and shyness, and time, but you can come out of your shell and make friends. Even if you can't afford car insurance (which is where I am), you should always have and renew your license. It's good for ID. Plus if you ever need to drive someone's car in an emergency you can. You didn't mention cell phone. If you can't afford one, buy one of the disposable ones you buy a card for to add minutes. That way you have a phone if you ever need it, and you're in charge of when you pay. The way mine works I have to buy another card before a certain time, but I keep the minutes I didn't use.

    I'm willing to offer advice and encouragement if you need it. Email anytime. I check my email almost everyday. Now, if you choose to keep living, start setting goals and working your way to them. Above all I recommend having faith in Jesus. Yeah, I know, very unpopular view. Psychology and advice can go a long way in helping, but they're just tools. It's up to you to make decisions.

  22. Ok, you're living a better life still than many other people in the world. At least you can still live. You should enjoy things while you can. Imagine those who live in other parts of the world. They are living a more horrible life than you. There's those in Africa who starve and have STDs. I don't think they really think about committing suicide. There's also people in other part of the worlds where they are slaves and made to do work. You are in a much better situation than they are. So you should do your best and be happy with what you have. There are those who still care about you too and will probably miss you when you die. You just have to do your best and live on with a smile on your face. There's probably some people out there who love to see a smile from you.


  24. i think that suicide is the most selfish thing anyone could ever do. I'm sure that there is a better way out. try talking about how you feel with someone.(I'm on my cousins name) I'm 22 yrs old, have no college,just had a baby 5months ago,no job,and soon no place 2 live and honestly i make it through. i also believe that Jesus will help me through everything. i was in an even worse situation than what I'm in now. He has brought me through alot and without Him  i am nothing. try to think of the positives in your life instead of focusing on all the negatives. be glad you have a mom that is willing to help you and let you live with her. thank God you have a job.(ive been looking for months and cant find one)thank God for the few friends you have i only have 2. honestly just think things through, and remember there is always someone who has it way worse than you do. just think of all the people that do love you and how heartbroken they would be if u were to leave the earth like that. think of how that would make other people feel. stop focusing on all the bad things in your life and focus on the good things in your life.  

  25. Don't kill yourself. Regarding suicide click on my profile and look at my answers to questions about suicide. I will try to find the long one I wrote and get back to you.

  26. No, please, don't do it.  YOU ARE ONLY 22

    Your family is going to be very upset. Yes, you will hurt them very badly.

    My dad goes to college when he was 45. A lot of people don't have driver's license! As for girlfriend and friends, it's never too late to find them.

    Don't do it.

  27. Suicide is never the answer! I know what your going through, I started think about suicide since I was 10 and its not the right path. Go back to school, your still young, don't care about what anyone else thinks about you, you know who you are, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Get you life sorted, don't end it, there's always hope, ALWAYS! Just think about others even worse off then you, like those children and family's in Africa, they're still trying and always will, so should you.

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