
Is suicide silence satanic? thanks a lot?

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i dont think they are posers i just think its a little different death metal then cannibal corpse, all though i do agree cannibal corpse and death started it all.




  1. not from what i've heard from them...

  2. I dont Know.  The only real Satanic Bands out there are King Diamond/Mercyful Fate, Marilyn Manson, Electric hellfire Club, Lucifer, Alkaline Trio, Acheron, and a few others

  3. They suck is all that matters.

    They are a bunch of posers, listen to something brutal like Cannibal Corpse or Death (Death is the better of the two).

  4. No idea.

    Deicide is though. So is Venom, Dimmu Borgir, and Mayhem.

    Christian Death is pretty cool too (but not really Satanic)

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