
Is summer homework serious?

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I'm going to be a sophomore and this is my problem, I procrastinated crazy over the summer and school is just a few hours away and I haven't finished even half of what I'm supposed to do...

I did really well freshmen year and I'm determined its just that this summer i took it for granted

I HAVE A TEST TOMORROW ON AP BIO and I'm pretty sure i'm going to fail, :(


do i have a chance to pick myself up?




  1. I would talk to your teacher and explain what happened. At least if you own up to your failure now, you have a chance for redemption! All kids make mistakes, that's what learning is about.

    My daughter procrastinated terribly this summer until I stepped in and helped her along. It made August a nightmare for both of us and I hope she learned a lesson. I hope you have too.

    Read my blog to see how it affected my daughter:

  2. Summer homework is serious. You will have many opportunities to make up for your expected test failure./

  3. You're screwed.

    Honestly, you failed because people wouldn't put up with it.

    Now it loaf time on a compacted summer schedule?

    If that's the way it's gonna be, you might wanna just be honest with yourself and go GED.

    Just keep in mind any negatives on that you brought on yourself.

  4. I feel sorry for people who have been given schoolwork to accomplish over a school break. That's what a break is for, after all. It certainly would help most kids to do some reading over the summer, but any more than that is too much! You are not alone in not having done your work. There are many in that boat! All is not lost, however. You may start the year with a couple bad grades, which does not bode well if you're trying for an A, but you won't fail the class if you put your heart into it at this point.

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